Rating: PG15
Fandom: Reborn!
khrfest Round 4. II. 3. Reborn/Fon - perception; "Perception is reality."
Warnings: Er. Possible OOC? Language fail, certainly. Clichéd in its Five-Senses-Theme.
Summary: The truth is only as mighty as it is generous, and generous it is in variety.
Reborn knew Fon to be false and Fon thought Reborn mistaken, but neither were truths for they had their own. )
Comments 4
Also, I must confess that this only seemed to bring out enough spark to write Beretta / Li Zi- formally known as Mei >.>.
D'aaaw. oAo I miss those too! I think they're my only femmslash rp pairing? /o/
Unless I am wrong, they are my only femmeslash pairing too. ._.
Even though they're both canonically male. >u>
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