something I feel is very important.

Dec 16, 2003 13:14

It's a lengthy one... be warned. :p

Some time last summer I posted links to this and this, a story on Tranquility Bay. Everything there is true, as much as I want to believe it's a work of horrific fiction.

I came upon the link again earlier while websurfing and also upon this, a more recent expose of the facilities right here in the states.

I showed James (wod) aka Banshee (which for logistical purposes I'll refer to as banshee from now on so I dont confuse him with James (mirc) aka Opal :P) the link and he started this web petition. Please take the time to sign it. It wont ask for your email or anything that could be used to spam you.

Here is the forum where the atrocities were discussed. I posted a lengthy rant to it.. which was writen fueled by sleep deprivation and very little caffiene.

I've talked to some folks, and I seriously want to go on a raid of the Jamacan facility. Maybe its the tiredness talking, or the lack of romance and adventure, but right now hijacking a boat, sailing to jamaca and sending cannonballs through the facilities parimeter wall and helping those poor kids escape sounds like a damn good idea. Anyone else up for an adventure in a few years? (aka once everyone has enough money to even consider it :P)

heres a copy of the rant I posted to the forum:

I sincerely hope meggie is being sarcastic...

Ok, a few things, which will probably lead to a lengthy pissed off rant. here we go...

1 - I've lived in the US all my life. I hate the way it's run, but as far as I can tell its the best place for me to be since other countries either hate women or dont have as good medical whatnot or let people smoke just anywhere and my allergies wouldnt take to that well, in fact it would kill me. In short I'm kinda stuck until I can amass a small army and take over a small country and make my own rules :P but thats not likely to happen so as I stated, I'm stuck.
As an American with a brain (a rarity it seems) I can only offer my sincere apologies for what the f*ckwads in my country are doing and can only pray that natural selection deals with them before they do any more breeding.

2 - Religeon. I'm a Christian. Yes, it teaches things like ends justifying means (means: Jesus dying for our sins, end: we dont have to go to hell - this is what I believe so dont bother posting back with 'im a wiccan or athist and you're wrong'. there are online forums for that sort of thing, but this one is about Tranquility Bay and the discussion surrounding it) HOWEVER... the ends that J.K. is heading for are bad. Its like cutting off your head because you've got a pimple. Now, yes there are churches that try to force conformity but not all of them are like that, so just like people wanted you to stop generalizing Americans, please lay off Christians. Being a bigot isnt helping those kids any.

3 - Ends and means. We all know the means after reading the article, but what were the ends he was going for exactly.. going off my life personally, if I had gone to such a place I would have ended up murdering guards and organising an escape just to get vengence on my parents, or died trying. I'd pull a total Clockwork Orange on their asses if someone tried to mind-f*ck me that way. Why? It's not because I'm evil or because I dont value life; far from it. But drastic situations put strong willed people into self-preservation mode. Now, from what I read of J.K. hes not a smart man. He was probably given quite the whoopin as a child and thus thinks since it was done to him hes got every right to make the next generation of kids suffer like he did. He probably thinks that the discipline that turned him into such a model citizen (in his mind alone anyway) works for everyone and since he's so damn great (inside his little head) why not make more kids just like him... successful gasoline attendants who never needed to finish college :p

4 - suggstions. Now some folks think J.K. is doing right by the world by mind f*cking kids into little drones with no self image and no thoughts of their own... Mcfly cited his own family member as one of those socalled incurables that need their brains wiped and started anew. True, there are some people who no matter how much therapy they go through ( and by that i mean seeing proper psychologists and the like, not beating them or electro shocking or lobotomising) will never quite fit into society. These said people who just dont care or really do have no morals are few and far between, and sucks to be them, they're probably clinically nuts and can do little else than be medicated or arrested when they finally kill someone. But for those kids who wear the wrong logos on their shirts, get all pierced up, start doing drugs, drinking or smoking, having sex, listening to Eminem sing about fish sex or whatever... these are rebelious teens trying to fit in. Society and their upbringing is to blame, not them, and they shouldnt be the ones punished for it since in truth the fact that theyre on these drugs and act this way is punishment enough, and when they finally grow up and look back at the wasted years they'll know it.
Now before you go thinking I'm some sort of ex druggie or somesuch trying to advocete it to justify past actions of my own, let me clarify that I've never drank, smoked, done drugs, gotten any piercings aside from the usual ear ones, nor do I appreciate Eminems choice of lyrics. Infact I was raised knowing those kinds of thing were unsafe and wrong. My parents, instead of forcing some dogma about how drugs are evil down my throat, told me what drugs do to people; the physical damages, phychoological damages, and the social damage and legal ramifications. I put 2 and 2 together and understood that as much fun as defying my elders would be, I could probably find a less self distructive way to go about it.

This is my suggestion - parents need to be more honest. Instead of saying 'No' to something, tell them exactly why its a bad idea. And hopefully they wont have to stick the paperclip into the wall socket to realise its a stupid idea.
A further note - if you have the money to send little Timmy off to a nazi-esque brain wiping camp, then you must have a well paying job which more often than not means you've got a college education, meaning you shouldnt be a complete idiot, and therefore should understand the implications of your actions. Your child will hate you for sending them there, hate themselves for getting caught, and hate all humanity for the things the others will be forced to do to people in that concerntation camp for kids.

take a look at this:
An obvious joke, yes? Only a psychotic sadist would even dream of doing something like this to a cat for doing whats natural to it. And likewise only a deranged individual of similar mindset would think of sending anyone, child or war hostage, into the disgraceful brainwashing system offered by WWASP.

I showed this thread and the article to a friend and he started an internet petition here:
and suggests we all start local ones and send them to our respective congressmen.

Go in armed and dangerous,
come out unscathed and victorious.
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