It's been quite a long time since my last random art dump; so I suppose now is an appropriate time to re-ignite the flame of my existence.
Now, I'm not really used to drawing different characters from England - simply because I only really get inspiration for the aforementioned. However, from now on, I think I'm going to try make an effort to widen my horizons.
That doesn't mean my galleries won't be chock full of pictures of him though *sigh*. In reality, I'm nothing but a fangirl, am I?
On that. I'm sure that there are fangirls in this world that are far too occupied with defending their favourite characters to the absolute death. These people, you'll probably agree, are the worst of them all. Nobody wants to stir up arguments on purpose - or at least I hope not - but these people do tend to go to the whiny side of the spectrum. A 'bitter envious fan' you might say.
However. Not all fangirls are like that extreme. Certainly not myself, and definitely not anyone that I've met. It personally angers me to have such a thing suggested, and I think the people who make the absolute generalisation that all fangirls are hilariously rabid should be highly ashamed of themselves. Because frankly, people like myself who monopolise a character (yes, I admit. Is there anything wrong with that?) get such a bad reputation. Especially when we're not like that horribly vague mental depiction in actuality.
I wonder if it's hard for people to realise that perhaps fangirls can be courteous to those that aren't. Do you see me running up to someone and shouting at them if they say they hate England as a character? Or do you see every single Spain fangirl shout and scream about how 'DAT ASS' pwns everyone else and that everyone else is wrong? HELL NO. That sort of person hardly ever exists. Please don't act like every single one of us is as tainted as that. It's such an insult.
So what if I've got an inspiration that works best with mainly one character? I don't draw just for myself you know, nor write; I do it to have a message be portrayed, or express a storyline/emotion that I think is meaningful and worth understanding. But in the end, it's all a little bit of fun - isn't it? I'm doing what I enjoy. Don't mock me for doing something I like. Same with the rest of us.
In short; the message is this. Hetalia is something that should bring us together, not pull us apart. And frankly to criticise someone on a stereotype is so far away from the meaning of Hetalia that it sickens me. It really does. So, allow me to appeal for those people who stereotype us to think twice.
Now, after that rant is over, here's the art. (By the way, if you actually read it and didn't scroll though, I personally thank and congratulate you).
Dedicated to my girlfriend, of whom I love very, very much.
Ah. Here we go. I told you that I was going to experiment with other characters, didn't I?
Believe it or not, his body was based on that of the Old Spice guy. The 'I'm on a Horse' one. (SWAN DIVE). Hence why he is wearing nothing but a rather fetching towel. As the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy says; you should always know where your towel is.
I think people that have ever attempted to colour in a naked man's torso will agree with me when I say 'HOLY FREAK THAT WAS HARD'. I'm still not comfortable with it, personally. But there's not too much I can do about it. I might have done the proportions wrong and that's why it looks awkward.
Don't ask why his hand is missing by the way. I did that on purpose. Really, I did.
This isn't the first time I've drawn Alfred - those of you that have seen my USUK smut drawings would know that well. However; this is the first time I've ever drawn him solo. Didn't turn out too badly, really, considering I know how badly I can screw him up...
Here we go. I promised this last of my posts, didn't I?
For those that are still waiting for the PolLiet and SwePol stuff I've yet to do, I'm very very sorry - and here's a consolation gift. In which Poland has hair like ribbons, and guns that go pew pew.
On deviantart, I named this 'Wizna' - to go with the battle of Wizna, obviously. If you've never seen this, allow me to draw your attention to a very special song that revolves around this matter:
Sabaton - 40:1's a fantastically meaningful song, and every Poland fan should listen to it at least once. It really is good.
And now back to our usual schedule of England material...;;
(If you haven't read the rant at the top on this matter, I suggest you do now). you haven't guessed, the above is of England, during/after chemo therapy. The lyrics are from My Chemical Romance - Cancer.
Okay. Frankly, I'm terrified in de-anoning with this one. Because, well, if you've seen the topic, you'll know there was a little bit of a dispute on it. And really, I've been afraid ever since of pointing out that 'yes, this was me'.
For those that want to know; here... Still. This issue is very close to my heart, considering I know many people who have had it in the past and those that still do. My brother, for example. I'd like to give a shout-out to the anons that were courteous and also to those that shared their own stories about it. You lot shouldn't ever suffer alone. So, I hope that somehow I could offer a smidgeon of comfort. Even if it's just a little bit from me to you; it all count, right? :'D.
No real explanation to this one. I'm just playing around with different styles. This one was based on a drawing by Kanon Wakeshima (of whom I terribly adore). If you've never seen her art, I really suggest you have a look. I've never seen anything quite like it.
There's something amusing about gentlemanly England sticking his bottom out like that. What makes it even funnier to me is that I had to reduce the size of said bottom, because 'mein gott' did he have a 'dat ass' bootie.
Not sure whether I want to declare this one 100% completed yet. I might edit it in the future.
Oh; and the original drawing was a challenge I set myself, and I suggest that the budding artists out there try too. With a maximum of two reference pictures to help you - the challenge is to draw a complete drawing in an hour. The aim being to help improve the speed of your drawings and to help you learn which types of mistakes to eradicate in the future to save yourself time.
Really, have a go at it :'). finally, I have an animation!!
Er. Yes, it's rubbish. I know...
This is the first time I've ever tried to do an actual drawn animation. It's not the best, I can say that with sincere honesty, but it's a start.
The idea of this is to try see if I could do a full song animation video, related to The Fight by The Rasmus. Now, if you've never ever heard this song, and you are a USUK fan... I sincerely suggest you do. I've never heard a more fitting song for the climax of the US and UK interaction in the Hetalia anime.
The Rasmus - The Fight Everything is still and calm, in the dead of night, right before the fight.
Clouds and gathering for the storm. Destiny decides who will live or die.
I've been waiting for this moment. It's time for the battle. Even if I never make it, take me home.
I may never get my story carved in stone - but I will rise again!
The fight is to the end.
The pounding of the drums of war, turns your tears to mud. Rivers turn to blood.
If you live to see another day, take another breath. Make it life or death.
I've been waiting for this moment. It's time for the battle. Even if I never make it, take me home.
I may never get my story carved in stone - but I will rise again!
The fight is to the end.
Give me strength to carry on, till my life is done.
Everybody wants the glory, but you better remember...
The Fight is to the end.
The Fight is to the End.
Thank you very much for reading :3.