OOC Information;
Name; Cyr
Personal Journal;
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khaosanomalyOther Characters;
heroic_aura (Pokemon: Anime)
IC Information;
Character Name; Lightning Farron
Final Fantasy: Dissidia 012 |
Lightning’s Dissidia WikiCanon Point; Post-Treachery of the Gods
Age; 23
House; Thor
Power; Speed
Personality; Compared to her Final Fantasy XIII counterpart, Lightning’s personality is not much different in Dissidia. In fact, her persona in the Prologus storyline is almost identical to her initial persona in Final Fantasy XIII. Lightning is remains to be a serious, aloof woman with little care for anything else. She doesn’t attempt to make friends. Instead, Lightning decides to focus most of her efforts on what is needed to be done and ignore everything else.
However, she isn’t against listening to other people’s opinions and following their advice.
In Prologus, she actually followed the advice Kain gave her about travelling alongside the Warrior of Light to see his strength and if he was a leader she could follow. Initially, Lightning wanted nothing to do with the other summoned warriors of Cosmos (implied by a comment made by Jecht during that same conversation). The fact she actually chose to work with the Warrior of Light as they fought whatever forces of Chaos they encountered means that Lightning knows how to work with others and not just rely on herself.
But don’t assume Lightning allows others to make decisions and choices for her. She is adamant about being in control of her “fate” and “destiny”. If anything threatens her beliefs and/or her independence, she would immediately fight back and become a force to reckon with. At times, she could be so blinded by her sole determination to prove her point or follow whatever goal she set for herself that she might lose track of the bigger picture and not think of anything else. Most of the time, this tunnel vision of hers coincides with her short temper and Lightning would simply just charge into a situation without a second thought of the consequences.
In Dissidia, this tunnel vision and defiance is shown when Lightning raises her sword against the unofficial leader, the Warrior of Light, after he brandishes his own weapon after her. Almost immediately, Lightning concludes that (like Kain who attacked her previously) that WoL is a traitor and a threat that should be eliminated.
Yet, that is not all there is to Lightning’s personality. Despite her initial distrust toward Cosmos, Lightning’s loyalty still lies with her allies. She wants the best for them and would (and later did) die for their sakes. Especially if it means the end of the Conflict and for them to return back to their home worlds. Any traitor who would willingly attack her allies is an enemy in her eyes, an enemy that should be destroyed.
However, once the reason why Kain was attacking his allies was revealed, Lightning shows she is capable of understanding and even accepting his actions. But, she outright stated she wouldn’t forgive him for his actions. Yet, despite not forgiving him, she still showed concern for him when he arrived injured before the final show down with the Manikins.
Lightning is capable of being a very caring individual despite how standoffish she can be to others. In the beginning of the Duodecim story, Lightning tells the others to escape when they are attacked by the enemy while she holds her position to buy her allies time. It’s implied in Duodecim that Lightning and the others have spent much time together as well as getting to know each other as both fellow comrade-in-arms and friends. Long enough that Lightning allows her allies to call her by the nickname “Light”. In many cases, it could be deemed that Lightning treats her allies in Duodecim as a surrogate family of sorts. She treats the others kindly during Duodecim, or at least more warmly than she did in Prologus when she was first summoned to the Conflict.
A major aspect of Dissidia that influences all of the characters is that although they are ‘summoned’ to fight in the Conflict, all memories of their original lives were erased. “Newly” summoned fighters were still able to recognize those from their home world but for the most part, all of their memories were gone. To regain their memories, it is encouraged that all warriors fight each other, especially those who were from their same worlds.
However, for Lightning, she only fought so she can go back to her own world. She didn’t show much concern about her lost memories, preferring to focus on the matter at hand-winning the conflict--, Lightning did keep a flower she found lying on the ground, specifically a rose. Rather than throwing it away, she kept it with her and held it out to admire it. When Firion asked her to return it, she mentions to him she felt a connection to it and that she coiuldn’t bring herself to throw it away, proving that her lost memories is a worrying for her as well as any of the others.
In the Conflict, the only way to recover memories was to fight others from their own world but because Lightning is now in Eventide, it’s impossible for her to ever remember anything about her past. She died so the others (the warriors of Cosmos in the 013 Cycle) could survive and end the Conflict. Not being able to recover her memories is a small price to pay to help ensure the final permanent end to the Conflict of the Gods.