Stargate SG1 and SGA reviews
SG1 - 10x09
I really liked this episode - It was really dark for SG1. Geez imagine what how much darker the ep would have been if it was Farscape?! Wow!
It's a shame they didn't make this ep into a 2 parter - It felt like they had to end it quickly because they ran outta time.
Yay Ari!!!!!!
I was actually afraid for the team with him there - what with Colonel whatshisface being killed and everything (Not that I cared about his character but I so wasn't expecting it!) and Ari calling Sam "Samantha" **Shudders** I was afraid for her faced with Ari **Flashbacks of NCIS episodes** until I remembered that I was watching Stargate and not NCIS or Farscape - So I knew the PTB won't go that far! Shame they killed off Ari thou - he would have made a really cool badie. And he was killed off way to easily too! **Pouts**
Heehee Cam doing his "undercover" routine made me chuckle - I was expecting an english accent to go with it "Can't you tell a friend from a foe?" Again this should have been a 2parter and they could have explored Cam being stuck onboard with the allience more and him trying to keep his cover while Teal'c was tortured...
I love Vala in this ep! (Goes with out saying really!) and the little Cam/Vala moment YAY! And I love the new end part of the title sequence with the team walking up the ramp and Vala running through the doors to catch up! Yay!
This episode was okay - Interesting and very well shot but it took awhile to get going. This storyline has been done before in xfiles and Im sure there was a film like it too. The character interaction was good as always and the suspence was working but the "Backstory" of Shep was kinda lame as it didn't really show much and it was weird that he was the only one to actually "Change" location where as Ronan was just running round the woods shooting Wraith. Carson's demons were dealt with well, with the whole "Is he dead or isn't he?" thang going on with the injured guy and the other guy being dead was kinda shocking - but not shocking that he died as he didn't have a name and we haven't seen him before - they should just make them wear red and get it over with! lol
Weir was totally pointless in this ep as most eps - but we come to expect such things! lol