Gamer Review: Wet

Oct 10, 2009 20:34

Sooo, considering Sid was nice enough to comment my last one, I figured it wasn't a completely lost cause! I mean, I highly doubt anyone will read these and use them to make a decision as to whether or not to buy the game, but hey, it's something to do in my downtime, right? Right.

Okay so the title still kills me. I automatically go to the gutter when I hear it, but they kinda more or less "define" what they meant by the name right at the beginning, being something along the lines of "wetwork" translating to something about hands covered in blood/assassin/mercenary/whatever. Still does not make me like the title, but at least I better understand.

Anyway lets go overall, it was a pretty good game. Since I rented it, I wouldn't bother buying it for a while because it's not one of those games I would want to play over and over again. Now in say like a year, when the price has dropped incredibly, maybe I would buy it then if for nothing than to play the first few chapters over again to utterly shred the enemies, but really, its more of a one-time-play for me.

Graphics were kind of stylistic and I feel could have been better, but the "old film" effect was pretty cool in my opinion, so we'll say they're good if only for that interesting sentiment they gave it. Music was fun. Kind of a mix of rock-alternative and a little bit of western country thrown in and it suited it pretty well. Nothing too distracting and it just sort of went with it. Controls were a little bit hard to get used to, there were plenty of things I never got good at doing as far as acrobatics, all the options you had were nice, but it was a little bit much for me. Not too bad though. Storyline could have been fluffed up just a little in my opinion. I mean I get that this isn't final fantasy, but the cinematics and character interactions ran just a bit thin for my tastes. It wasn't too hard to follow though, even with the jumping back and forth in time so that's at least nice.

We'll start with my positives. My positives are that, one, it's just a fun game. I mean, I love killing people. >_>; So, put a ton of enemies in an area where I can jump around, slide under things, run along walls, swing on poles, its going to be fun regardless. I mean it had its moments where I was more annoyed than enjoying it, but we'll cover that later. So just fun in general. Two, there were some very interesting characters. While the story was a bit lacking for me, the characters were very likeable, even the bad ones, in the lol evil guys kind of sense. And while I feel there could have been more interactions, the ones that there were were quite entertaining if not a bit crude. Rubi is a hostile lady and she's not afraid to let you know it. I really liked in the beginning, it was something along the lines of "AUGH MY LEG I CAN'T FEEL MY LEG! YOU BITCH, YOU FUCKING BITCH." and she was like "You should have left of at "I can't feel my legs".... *KILL.*" But yeah. Funny stuff. Another thing I liked, while some of the time required acrobatics were not terribly obvious it wasn't too difficult to deduce normally. So while sometimes you had to think about it usually it was pretty simply once you figured it out.

The not as positives are mostly that, one, the controls take a while to get used to. So I sucked a lot of ass in the beginning. There were a lot off things you could do with yourself and you do get used to it, but it does take a while. One of my biggest negative of this game is that if you slip off your path at ALL you die instantly. And you have to wait through the two load screens. Which just... is obnoxious. For example, I killed a bunch of dudes on the bottom floor and then had some acrobatics on the second floor. Just... one floor. She had survived jumps from higher. Buuuuut, I slipped off the second floor onto the floor I was JUST on and DEATH. This happened to me many many times. Another thing I hated was the time trials between some chapters and I fucking SUCKED at them. I mean, maybe I'm just bad. But I hated them. And had to do them over and over and over again. -___-

But over all. Good game. I could have probably went into more detail but I keep getting distracteddddd. I am pretty sure I covered all the important stuff though. Oh and yes. I actually beat this one. It's a miracle. I know.

gamer review, acrobatics, wet, a turd in a punch bowl

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