Dedicated SWF detective seeks WPP-dedicated ADA life partner. Must be committed to upholding the law regardless of personal preferences or interpretations and must do so without questioning those who gather your evidence. Good reflexes, blonde hair, an interest in fashion, firearms, physical fitness and fine wine all a plus. In turn, I can offer you a lifetime of neglect, cancelled dates, long nights wondering where I am and the chance to become a target should one of my investigations go sour. Have you always dreamed of a closet full of Kevlar and a handgun in the nightstand? If so, we may be a match made in heaven.
Wait, do these things still charge by the word?
Dedicated SWF detective seeks life partner. Non-smoker preferred.
She still pays a little extra attention any time the names involved are Colombian. Any time there are drugs involved. Any time it gets anywhere near Zapata's territory. Her eyes move a little bit faster, her heart pumps a little bit harder. It's not something she chooses. It's become an instinct now, and though she'll never admit it to anyone she works with, she thinks it's made her a better cop.
This isn't the same as what she felt for her mother. Part of her blamed her mother, always, even though it would have meant an end to her own existence to have that rape taken away. Part of her couldn't see her mother as a victim. This, though... they should've protected her. Given her a vest. She tells herself she should've seen, should've jumped out or pushed her down or something. Gotten between and stopped it. She didn't, though, and Alex became a victim.
We tell ourselves that we speak for the victims, but we don't. We can close cases, but the victims, even if they survive, their lives are ruined.
She can't say never again, not in good conscience. She's not that good. But she can do that little bit more, that little bit she couldn't do before this happens. It's closer now, she knows it more personally now, and that has made her stronger.
My exact opposite? Physically? Short, blonde hair that hangs long and fine down his back (it's gotta be a guy, right?), heavyset, blue eyes, pale skin like porcelain, smooth and soft. He likes to dress in big thick cable-knit sweaters and sweatpants, the kind with elastic in the cuffs. He's probably got some kind of executive job, but in the off hours, frequents fetish clubs, or maybe he's a member of NAMBLA. Hell, maybe I've arrested him before.
Of course, now we're talking personality. He's selfish, but in a timid kind of way. He can't see anyone's point of view but his own, refuses to acknowledge anyone else's pain or suffering, or joy for that matter. He won't defend his own points of view, though. He's scared of confrontations and he thinks that makes him stronger, thinks he's the bigger man every time for walking away. That makes him cocky and proud and outspoken when he's around people he knows he can trust. His yes men. His buddies.
He had a stable childhood, two loving parents, and an utterly unremarkable collegiate career. From there, thanks to good networking skills and a bright, even smile, it was a short step into the life of ease and hidden depravity he leads today.