I feel like I've been cooped up for weeks. And it's almost Halloween and I don't have a costume. And Halloween coming up also means my birthday is coming up. Ew.
"So I'm going to assume we're on first name basis now and say, hi Colin. It's Wheeler. Megan Wheeler. And totally not in the James Bond kind of way. Though...that is a costume idea...anyway. I seem to remember drunken talk of you and I keeping each other company at this Halloween party. Still up for it? I was going to skip, but I'd like to get really drunk the night before my birthday. Without the drunken sex. Call me."
I don't want another birthday. I really don't. Charlie still isn't wanting to talk. Lou is still missing. I've been doing a lot of thinking, too. I'm not so sure I like what I'm thinking. Maybe it's the birthday thing that has me evaluating life, maybe it's that everything is in shambles again...I don't know. All I do know is...I'm starting to doubt that I want to be a cop anymore..
(For those who don't remember or know, Megan's bday is the day after Halloween. I know we have stuff going on this weekend for the party, BUT after that dies down if anyone wants to buy Meg a drink or hang out or whatever, I'm gonna have her out at at bar the night of her bday [Nov 1]. We can do a chat or...she can sit there and get drunk alone. Either way. Just let me know.)