im in sunny colorado 60 degrese and no snow suckas amazing skate spots the sun is brighter here because im like a mile above sea level mountains are beautiful alpine/brighton can suck the rockys nuts
oh i totally forget today was valintines pointless
yesterday was one of my funnest sessions at woodville today i street skated and it is febuary 6th john has a expensive camera and i got to film a bit with it today montges will be up soon i will let you know when they are up
well things have been boring but i went to modern today and it was fun skating tomarrow im going to woodvilles late session with people but im thrifting it up before agin too sunday i hope to god some street skating goes down its been months sunday for sure im recording ISH-ka-BALLA with geoff should be amazing.
yesterday was cool i hung out with zulch and waxer and we got baskin robbins then we made some music then we went to freshman orientation to watch matt speak i met up with trey and jimmy i got lost from them then i saw jamie i stole a picture of myself and now its on my refrigerator
oh shit skating today ..and tomarrow after tomarrow im going to liviona thrift with sandy to get cool things i think im gona buy some vans classics before its closes too
i Love switch back 180s
oh gosh the delorians oh yes fuck face the delorians