day 9 - your beliefs, in great detail.
i don't believe in organized religion, that much i'm sure of. i was raised in a catholic family - my grandfather's family was from poland, and i grew up attending a polish church. i made my first communion, and that's about as far as i ever took it. to me, church is ridiculous and creepy and a waste of time. ESPECIALLY the catholic church. ugh. blech.
i find it very very difficult to believe that there is some greater power that plopped us here on earth. to me it just sounds ridiculous. do i think that there is more than just biology? some days. but do i think it's "God" or any other type of higher being? no. not even a little bit.
i find the bible to be a very imaginative history book. i do not doubt the existance of Jesus, or a lot of the other events that take place in the bible. man has a wild imagination, that's all. that's what, in my opinion, religion stems from. not some higher being, but man. i think it was created to explain the things that man couldn't. as technology improves, we are better able to understand "life's mysteries," but since religion is so ingrained in civilization, people cling to it.
i guess i'd have to classify myself as agnostic? i accept the fact that we can't prove or disprove the existence of a higher being. i don't have faith, i guess. i believe in the present, and in people, and in life. and that's more than enough for me. to each his own, i say. (on that note, i do NOT believe in religion in public schools, or government, or anything like that. to each his own, as long as you don't force your own down my throat.)