IC: SERA IS UNHAPPY AND ZEN ABOUT IT. I haven't been playing her as much, partly because I don't know if Kharg's going to do her drop post at some point and that'll change things up for her a little! But either way, she doesn't have enough of her tribe here, her best friend in camp has been missing for a long time, she feels useless and ineffective and unable to trust people, blah blah. IT'S GOTTEN REALLY BAD SINCE THE IC KILL GAME. I think if cfuzazzle had carried over a bit more, it would've helped, because she made a difference there! --but it didn't. She's still making new relationships but except for Apollo and Castiel a little they don't really ping her on a deep level, which is weird for her, she's normally TOUCHED IN THE SOULLL by everything. Maybe I should find more godly people/angels to thread with.
OOC: I still love her guys. I just haven't had enough time to play lately and it's awkward to make her socialize when she's this unhappy, since she's not looking to make new friends at the moment. I feel like I have her voice very loud and clear still, but I think I'll canon review soon just to revive my BURNING LOVE FOR EVERYTHING DDS.
Plans: Try to poke Joshua about cfuzazzle stuff when one of us remembers, poke Castiel, poke Ganymede and Apollo, chat more with Minatsuki. Our cast has been planning a mass deage for a while buuut I almost don't want to do that right now since she's already so .__. about life. BUT IF THEY ARE UP FOR IT I AM!
Drop: If Serph dropped, she'd be almost unplayable for a while, so there'd be a 95% chance of her following him. Otherwiiiseee... no not happening.
IC: WILL BE FOREVER SAD THAT IT IS WINTER!!! but is generally cool with life. He misses the Valley and his buddies from home, but that's all right. He has his group of friends, his mother figure, most everyone is pretty nice to him, and he's good at bouncing back from trauma and deprivation when they do happen. He never actually got the idea that camp was supposed to be any safer of a place than anywhere else he's lived in his life, so the fact it's dangerous doesn't dismay him! He is learning new exciting skills like math and computer games! Life is okay!
OOC: I APPED THIS DINOSAUR AS A JOKE why me. I'm always really comfortable with Littlefoot, he's easy and hilarious to throw into posts and I can threaten people with hurting him. I LOVE HIS SRS RELATIONSHIPS SINCE I NEVER EXPECTED THEM TO HAPPEN. He is so adorable. I get to be a bad person and go d'aww cute at the same time, guys ♥
Plans: Age him up again because that is fun! Bug the 07ghost cast more! Post with Shuri! (hey shuri we should post again) Come up with something FUN AND ORIGINAL AND CREATIVE to post with even though that isn't my strong suit! Tag the Trickster with him to see how bad of an idea it is! Idk I kind of play Littlefoot by ear and whatever I feel like doing. If you ever want me to toss him somewhere tell me, I WILL PROBABLY DO IT.
Drop: I DON'T THINK HE'S A FOREVER KEEPER but I am not nearly ready to let him go yet, it's been a year and playing a dinosaur on the internet has not yet become boring.
IC: LIEN IS RAGINGLY ANGRY AND PISSED OFF. AND UNSETTLED BY HAKUREN'S FOG POST o/ She hates camp and everything it stands for: the fact she's forced to relax her standards of propriety to get along here, the fact the place is filled with disrespectful stupid people, that Temeraire's dudes outnumber her here. It makes her skin crawl to sleep in the open or in a cave, it's uncomfortable and dirty and uncivilized and auuuugh. If I'd taken her from before she got used to things in France it'd be worse, but as it is... still pretty bad.
OOC: Gosh my icons are so pretty. But anyway! I LOVE HER ♥ DRAGONNNN I feel insecure about everything from period language to her reactions in any given situation but gosh I love her too much to stress out about it deeply, I WILL DO MY BEST! DRAGONNNN
Plans: Acquire bitches. Make someone build her a pavilion. Teach Burupya to talk. Learn Raggsian from Teito! MAKE TEMERAIRE FEEL INSECURE. Thread with like all of Seth's characters. Do some cool post about her using the divine wind in some original and clever way. Fantasize about writing Naomi Novik an email all "Hey, ma'am, please write a short story from Napoleon's POV and post it on your website so I can make someone app him, thanks." Live in mild terror that our notoriously fan-active author is stalking our cast. Have an actual conversation with Laurence someday. Bling post? I need to think about more stuff to put here.
I AM PRETTY OKAY I THINK! I am busy and not always in a playing mood now, and when I am it is often only for one character at a time. But this is still a fun time for me, I am IN THIS GAME FOR THE LONG HAUL.
This is the first time I've ever done a State Of The Union meme because I felt like it was silly to do one for only two characters. I am MOVING UP IN THE WORLD.
you should also take this opportunity to tell me if you want me to make an effort to jump you. screw this silly future relationship meme thing I WILL DO IT WITHOUT SUCH CONSTRICTIONS! and I will relationship at you now, if you want.