definitely going to hell.

Jul 02, 2007 04:06

title. Legs Are Required
word count. 7335
rating. NC-17; for language and sexual content. jared/jensen.
warnings. graphic m/m sex, underage, pure unadulterated crack.
disclaimer. the Disney's characters belong to Disney. the real people belong to themselves.
summary. Jensen is the Sea King's only son and hope to take over ruling of the Atlantis and sea. The problem is, he's fallen in love with Prince Jared, a human male.
a/n. adapted from The Little Mermaid. i blame these people.

Legs Are Required

It isn’t that Jensen hates his tailfin. In fact, he really likes his tailfin. His tailfin is known as the prettiest tailfin all across Atlantis. As famous as his full, gorgeous lips, his curly, heavy lashes and his lustrous locks. It is said that he is the most beautiful merman in the entire sea. His mother used to say so. Jensen doesn’t really remember her but his sisters say that he inherits her beauty, thus earning him the Sea King’s utmost affection.

The first time he wandered outside of Atlantis, he was eleven. Accompanied by his trusted friend Mike, he swam until his tailfin ached and discovered a sunken ship filled with loads of fascinating things. Mike, whose father is even more paranoid than the overprotective Sea King himself, had told him about these things. Human things. Jensen ignored Mike’s terrified whines for them to turn around and picked up a rather odd-looking thing from the bottom of the ship and turned it over. It was a framed photograph of a couple at their wedding. Jensen didn’t know what it was but he traced the outline of the girl’s wedding dress every night before he went to bed. He had wanted to swim to surface ever since.

It isn’t that Jensen hates his tailfin. It’s just that he wonders what it feels like to have legs.


“Mama,” Jared huffs, slumping on the couch opposite the queen. “I’m eighteen freaking years old. You can’t seriously make me marry this girl.”

“Your father and I, Jared, got married when he was eighteen and me sixteen,” she replies delicately, sipping from her tea cup.

“Yeah, well,” Jared mutters under his breath. “That’s because you were lucky enough to find him.”

“What was that?”

Jared coughed. “I said, that’s because Papa was lucky enough to have found you.”

She smiles widely, her powdered cheeks balling up nicely. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find your perfect girl if you look hard enough.”

Jared smiles back at his mother, picking up a bagel from the coffee table. He thinks it isn’t wise to tell her that what he’s hoping to find is his perfect guy. That can probably wait.


Jared loves the open sea. Sailing in his boat with the wind in his hair and his dogs running around on deck, trying to run over his manservant. Jared laughs when Harley knocks down Tom onto his ass and Sadie barks excitedly, as if cheering.

“One of these days, Jay,” Tom grunts as he struggles up. “You’re going to wake up and find your mutts mysteriously vanished.”

“Aw, come on, Tommy. You love them,” Jared chuckles, scratching behind Sadie’s ear.

Tom glares at Harley. “Don’t count on it.”

The sun is shining brightly and the sky is a robin egg’s blue. Someone to his left says something about the Sea King being in a good mood and it catches Jared’s attention.

“The Sea King?” he wonders out loud, patting Harley’s head absentmindedly.

“Why, yes, Your Highness,” the stocky man nodded frantically. “Jeffrey Dean, the Sea King. He controls the entire ocean. The ruler of the merpeople and everything under the sea.”

“Merpeople?” Jared finds himself smiling.

Tom waves an indifferent hand. “Nonsense. There’s no such thing.”

“But what if there is? I mean, just think about it, Tommy,” Jared grins, his eyes unfocused. “Imagine being able to live beneath these waters, swimming all the time, colorful fish and sea creatures as friends!”

Tom scowls at Jared’s overeager expression. “Yeah, but you’ll miss your favorite part of your anatomy,” he eyes the area below Jared’s waistline suggestively.

“You’re such a nasty skeezeball,” Jared makes a face at his manservant-turned-best friend.

Tom’s face morphs into innocence. “I meant your legs, sire.”

They exchange virtuous glances for a while before bursting with huge laughter that scares away the dogs, eyebrows raised impishly.

Jared peers down into the clear water, pursing his lips, eyes wide with amusement. “I wonder, actually, how the merpeople fuck.”


Jensen jolts under his blanket when there’s a loud knock on his bedroom door. His green eyes peeking from underneath, he tries lowering his voice in an effort to feign sickness.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me,” comes a teeny voice from behind the door. “Mike!”

Jensen slips out of bed and opens the door to let his friend in. “Hey, Mike.”

Mike swims straight up, leveling their eyes. “Why are you hiding in your bedroom like a sissy little mermaid? I thought we’re going to check out that new spot I found for us. I heard the ship was carrying honeymooners. You love romantic ships, don’t you?”

Jensen pouts a little at Mike’s enthusiasm. Raised by a couple of paranoid parents, Mike grew up to be a terrified little flounder but ever since Jensen told him about his desire to be with men (not even mermen), Mike became protective of him and the overt bravado sprouted out from nowhere.

“My dad,” Jensen sighs, flicking his tailfin to the side and gingerly taking a seat on his armchair. “Can you believe he’s trying to give me the sex talk now? I’m freaking sixteen. I know how it works, like, years ago.”

Mike chortles. “Totally your fault, dude. You shouldn’t have kept up that innocent act in front of him for so long.”

“Yeah? What do you want me to do? Full on tell him that I want to fuck guys?”

“You know,” Mike squints, eyeing Jensen’s tailfin. “I think that’s going to be hard to do.”

Jensen groans, springing up from his seat. “I know. You know what? Let’s just go, okay? I don’t want to stick around and have Dad talk to me about which gender’s tailfin goes which way.”

Mike gives a shudder and trails after Jensen out the door.


“Where the hell is he?” the Sea King’s roar shakes the whole castle.

Christacean, the royal counsel creeps slowly into view, flinching at the loud voice. “I’ve looked everywhere, Jeff. He’s not in his room.”

“I know he’s not in his room, you idiot!” Jeffrey yells. “That’s the first place I searched.”

Boy, Chris thinks. For someone who insists for his subjects to call him by his first name, the Sea King can be terribly bossy when he wants to be.

“He and I are supposed to have a talk about mermanhood and what it entails! And then I expect him to entertain the guests at my dinner party with his singing. I swear, raising this kid is worse than raising a wild herd of manatees.”

“Whoa,” Chris murmurs under his breath. The Talk? No wonder the kid bailed.

“You know I have a sharp hearing, Chris,” Jeffrey snaps. “How am I going to count on him to take over my throne one day?” he resorts to sighing.

“I’m sure he’s just distracted, sire,” Chris replies comfortingly. “He’s still so young.”

“With those lips and voice of his?” Jeffrey groans under his breath. “I’m afraid if I don’t talk to him soon, he’s going to get into trouble.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“He will,” Jeffrey brightens up. That’s when Chris knows he’s royally fucked. “Because you’re going to keep an eye on him. Don’t let him out of your sight and keep him out of trouble.”

“Motherfucker,” Chris mumbles as he crawls away.


“Thought I can find you kids here.”

Jensen jerks, spurting a feet up at Chris’s voice. Mike chokes on the seaweed he’s been nibbling on. Chris laughs, creeping into the cavern and approaching the merman.

“Jeff’s looking for you, son.”

Jensen’s eyes widen comically. “Did you tell him I’m here?”

“What do you think I am? A barnacle head?”

Mike giggles from where he’s lounging, the seaweed almost gone.

“How can you get high from these things anyway?” Chris asks distractedly, trying to inspect the weed in Mike’s fin.

“Get creative, bud,” Mike drawls, face smug.

Jensen whirls between the two of them, hands on his hips. “How did you know I was here, anyway?”

“It’s my job, little guy,” Chris grins. “Besides, I read your diary.”

Jensen visibly blushes. “I don’t have a diary.”

“Dear diary,” Chris mocks, making chirpy motions with his claws. “Today I saw this dude with a huge tailfin-”

“Shut up,” Jensen jabs a finger into his side and nearly toppling over the crab.

“I know, I know. You’re into humans,” Chris scowls. “Horrid creatures.”

“Well, I think they’re beautiful creatures,” Jensen says, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Tell me, Jensen,” Mike pipes up. “Does everyone in the sea know you want to get it on with human males but your father?”

Jensen is about to snap a comeback when a massive shadow falls onto the seabed. He looks up and finds a foreign object floating across the seawater above the cavern.

“What the hell is that?” Jensen gasps.

“I don’t care,” Chris replies. “You have to get home before Jeff blows a fuse. He’s expecting you to sing at his dinner party.”

Jensen is already swimming upwards. “Well, tell him you never found me. I’m sure the guests would be content to just hearing your guitar riffs.”

“Jensen-” Chris starts but Jensen and Mike ignore him as they approach the vessel and Chris has no choice but to follow them. “I don’t get paid enough for this shit,” he grumbles.

Jensen is already resting his elbows at the side of the ship, peeking in. A celebration is clearly going on. People are bustling around with food and cake and two dogs are running around when they catch scent of Jensen and hurry over, nosing wetly at his face. Jensen laughs softly, trying to pet them when a loud voice booms from his right.

“Harley! Sadie!” goes the yell.

There’s a sharp whistle and the two dogs bound over to a very tall man on deck, pawing at his legs. Jensen’s breath catches in his throat as he gazes upon the human man, from his devilishly tousled hair to his smooth, strong neck, wide chest and shoulders, tight waist and long legs. When he smiles, an indentation appears on each cheek as his smile brightens up the whole place.

“Wow,” Jensen breathes, feeling a tight, heated coil at the pit of his belly.

“Wow is quite right,” chirps a voice into his left ear. “I mean, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

“Hey, Steve,” Jensen greets the seagull.

“So. Dogs, huh?” Steve goes into his oddball thinking mode. “Too hairy for you, I think, son.”

Jensen gazes longingly at the man a few feet away from him. “I’ve the master in mind, actually.”

“Ooh,” Steve nods. “Ooh. Yes. He’s pretty enough for you.”

“Where’s the cake, people?” somebody yells. “What’s a birthday celebration without a freaking birthday cake?”

“It’s okay, Tommy,” Jensen hears the object of his affection says. “I don’t think there’s a need for cake or anything.”

“Are you kidding, man? Cake is, like, your staple food,” Tom frowns before turning back to the crew. “Hey! Did no one hear me? Where’s the cake? It’s Prince Jared’s birthday!”

“Did you hear that, Steve?” Jensen says excitedly. “He’s a prince, too. Maybe Dad will go easy on me wanting him. Oh, he’s so perfect!”

“Not likely,” Chris stage whispers to Mike from the side. “Jeff would probably dice the poor dude with his trident and turn him into a plate of sushi.”

“I have my father’s hearing, you know?” Jensen says in an annoyed voice from above them.

They’re about to say something in rebuttal when suddenly the sky grows dark. The wind grows stronger and stronger and Jensen wonders if his father really is serious about losing his temper and knowing what that will cause. The storm becomes massive in a matter of minutes. The ship’s crews are panicked when the main sail collapses and starts a fire. Jensen watches helplessly as Jared struggles to get his dogs to safety, holding one in each arm.


“Jared!” Tom cries out from below. “Get in the boat!”

Jared peers down, contemplates and ducks to talk to his dogs. “Be safe, you two,” he murmurs and hauls them overboard and into the water.

He manages to see them paddling towards the boat before hearing a loud creak and feeling himself being struck on the back of his neck, hard. He feels a blooming pain at the back of his head and then everything dissolves into black.


Jensen is lying on the sand, his green tailfin swaying in the air, his fingers carding through the lock of hair covering Jared’s right eye. “He’s beautiful,” he whispers to nobody in particular. Jared’s eyes are closed, his whole body drenched with sea water, slightly trembling from the cold. Jensen feels something warm spiraling slow deep in his belly, something he has never feel before in his sixteen years of existence. Something he just knows his father, the Sea King would never approve.

He peers down into the handsome prince’s face and starts to serenade. Jared blinks his eyes open, bleary yet mesmerized by the beautiful voice. A gorgeous face looks down upon him, whole feature framed by the harsh sunlight. He falls in love in an instant. Just when he’s about to reach up and touch the dazzling face, he hears Sadie’s barks from afar. He blinks again and the figure is gone.

“Dude,” Tom comes up and pulls him upright. “Don’t you scare me like that ever again, man. Your mom would castrate me if anything ever happens to you.”

“Somebody rescued me from the sea,” Jared mumbles, raking a hand through his wet hair. “His voice is amazing.”

“How can you tell someone’s voice is amazing just from him rescuing you from drowning?” Tom frowns, trying to get the dogs off his pants legs.

Jared makes a gruff noise. “He sings to me.”

“He sings to you?”

“Actually,” Jared says, craning his neck to search as far out to the sea as he can. “He serenades to me. He has the most beautiful voice.”

“He serenades to you? Right here? On this beach?”

“No, Tommy,” Jared growls, annoyed. “In my wet dreams.”

“Wet,” Tom barks out a laugh. “Haha. I get it. You’ve swallowed too much seawater, Your Highness. Come along. The queen would be worried sick.”


Jensen watches as the other guy tugs on Jared’s arm and his dogs trailing after them, sighing dreamily. He’s aware of his nice voice but he’s never really fond of flaunting it. Now, all he can think about is singing his heart out, serenading sweet, lyrical words to the prince that has captured his heart.

“This can not be good,” Chris says to Mike as they watch the blissful look on Jensen’s face.


“Son?” Jeffrey approaches Jensen in his room.

Jensen looks up from the book he’s reading, beaming. “Yeah?”

“Are you on drugs?”

“What? No!” Jensen scowls. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, your sisters and I notice how you’re incredibly happy all the time. And frankly, I’m worried about you, son. You’ve never been as giddy ever since you were a kid and I took you riding on the seahorses. I know you’ve been hanging around that flounder-”

“Dad,” Jensen cuts in, puts his book down and straightens up to meet his father’s gaze. “It’s not drugs, okay? Don’t worry. I’m just…happy. That’s all.”

“Surely there’s a reason for you to be happy.”

“Well…” Jensen blushes, ducking his head. “Are you sure you want to know?”


“Are you really, really sure?”

Jeffrey sighs, settling on the armchair at the corner of the room. “Yes.”

“Are you really, really, really, really, really sure?”

“For crying out loud-!”

“I think,” Jensen starts before blushing even harder. Sometimes he hates himself for blushing too easily. “I think I’m in love.”

“In love?” Jeffrey seems to cheer up a lot. “And who might this lucky mermaid be?”

Jensen never really likes to keep secret from his father. He thinks as an only son, he should be totally honest and share absolutely everything with him. He should’ve known the logic will come around and bite him in the ass.

“He’s a prince,” he says. “He’s handsome and beautiful and loving from what I can see with the way he handles his dogs and he’s strong and brave and smart-looking. He has these amazing hazel eyes and luscious lips and dark hair and long legs. He lives in the castle on the beach just north of here and I think I really, really, really, really love him, Dad. He’s perfect for me and I think he feels the same way and we can get married.”

Jeffrey’s breath seems to be stuck in his throat even though it is Jensen that has spoken non-stop. He sucks in a large bout of air and snarls. “A prince? A human prince? Jensen Ross Ackles, are you telling me that you’ve fallen in love with a human male?”

“Well, yeah,” Jensen shrugs. “Don’t worry, Dad. I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”

“Don’t worry?” Jeffrey yells. “How’re you going to take over my throne if you’re off gallivanting with a degraded human male? Who’s going to give me grandchildren to pass the throne to?”

“Oh, please, Dad. It’s not like you’re dying. And you have six other children. Besides, I can still take care of Atlantis if I’m with Jared. It’ll only be a short swim away.”

Jeffrey looks like he’s about to explode. Jensen can already feel the current rippling. He raises his trident like he’s about to strike but looking into Jensen’s face he tries to breathe slowly. “How is this ever going to be fine, Jensen? You’re my only hope for an heir.”

“The fact that I like guys will not change me. I can still be a good ruler. I’m still your son.”

“No son of mine is fucking a human male.”

Jensen’s face hardens. “Oh. And it’s okay if I fuck a merman, then? What’s so wrong about loving a human, Dad? They’re wonderful creatures.”

“They are not wonderful creatures. All they ever do is kill sea creatures for their own greed, pollute our waters and bring nothing but trouble to us.”

“You don’t even know Jared.”

“I don’t need to know him. They’re all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning fish eaters. Incapable of any feeling-”

“Screw you! I love him!”

“Have you lost your senses completely, Jensen? He’s a human. You’re a merman. There is no way you can be together.”

“Then I’ll find a way,” Jensen snaps. “I don’t care what you say or do to me.”

“Jensen-!” Jeffrey shouts after his son but Jensen just keeps going, ignoring him.


Jensen is moping at his favorite moping spot, hunched over the rock, trying to count the scales on his tailfin. It’s pretty much impossible to do. Just like the time Mike tried to count his freckles. His eyes had turned crossed when he got to the bridge of Jensen’s nose. Even his tailfin scales are nice. They’re blue-green individually and together they shimmer green like creek water.

There’s a rippling to his right and Jensen turns to find an eel swimming towards him, eyes glowing yellow. “A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be sitting out here weeping alone like this.”

“’M not weeping,” Jensen snaps, turning away. “My life sucks.”

“I know just the person to remedy that,” the eel smirks, sinister. “Dawn Octopus.”

“The sea witch?” Jensen’s jaw drops open.

“She can make everything you dream of come true.”

“Are you sure?” Jensen wrinkles his nose. “I heard she’s quite a bitch.”

“You’ll soon find out, son,” the creature’s eyes glint as it swims away, swishing and inviting Jensen to follow it. And he does.

Chris and Mike get there in time to see him swimming away with the eel towards the darkest part of the ocean.

“Damn!” Chris yells, swiping a claw agitatedly. “He’s going away with that yellow-eyed son of a bitch. You go follow him. I’ll go and let Jeff knows his only son’s swimming straight into Dawn Octopus’ mouth.”

Mike gives off a sloppy salute and dashes off after his best friend.


Dawn Octopus, Jensen finds out, really is an octopus. She’s huge, loud, and very touchy-feely. She keeps trying to grope Jensen’s…something. After trying to dodge the sea witch’s tentacle a few times, she finally gets to the point.

“So you want to have legs and become a human so you can get your pretty little hands on the boy of your dreams, huh?”

Jensen purses his lips but stops when the octopus keeps staring at his mouth. “Um. Pretty much. Yeah.”

“I can’t believe it,” she cackles. “Jeffrey Dean’s only son. Gay. This is just too easy.”

“Okay,” Jensen snorts. “I’ve gone through all the negative labeling with my dad. Can you help me or not?”

“Why,” Dawn places a hand to her bosom daintily. “You’re almost as bitchy as me. Almost as pretty, too.”

Jensen eyes the plump octopus and narrows his eyes. “Yeah. Thank you.”

If Dawn takes offence, she doesn’t show it. “To put it simply, I can help you. I’ll turn you into a human being for three days and if you can make the prince fall in love with you within that time, you can stay human. If not, you’ll turn back into a merman and you’ll be mine forever.”

“Yours? As in, what? As a sex slave or something?”

“Honey, I’m a businesswoman. You’ll sign a contract with me for the rest of your life, is all. No biggie.”

“Wait. Fall in love with me, how?” Jensen squints.

Dawn hums, tapping a finger on her chin. “He’ll have to give you sexual climax,” she snaps her fingers, eyes twinkling.

“Whoa,” Jensen blinks. “That was…blunt.”

“What do you think this is? Some kind of a G-rated fairy tale movie? Are you signing the contract or not? I’ll make sure you get the most perfect set of legs. You’ll be gorgeous.”

“Don’t do it, Jen!” Mike shouts from somewhere behind Jensen, waving a fin maniacally.

Jensen sighs. “You know this is the only way it’ll work, man.”

“That’s true,” Mike nods, distracted by a patch of barnacles on a rock.

“What’s the price?” Jensen asks halfheartedly.

Dawn grins, her red lips curling. “Your pretty voice, of course.”


When Jensen comes to, all he can hear is Mike’s frantic shrieking, Chris’ deep growls and Steve squawking. Then, his father’s face looms into view.

“Listen, son,” Jeffrey starts, his voice gentle. “I’ve thought about it. Truth is, I was emotional back there. I didn’t mean to yell and-”

Jensen shakes his head, opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He extends his neck, trying to get his voice out and stops when Jeffrey places a placating hand on his shoulder. That’s when he realized that he is naked as…well, not the day he was born, but as naked as any human being on the day they were born and…he can’t take his eyes off the anatomical part between his legs.

“I believe that’s a human male’s sexual organ,” Steve pipes up from above his head. “Don’t worry if it suddenly grows hard or pop up because I’m fairly certain it’s supposed to do that-”

Jeffrey interrupts, clearing his throat loudly. He presses Jensen down before he can stand up to check out his new long legs, frowning. “Look, Jensen. The sea witch took your voice. But I’m sure this human male will find your other…” Jeffrey huffs, aligning Jensen’s face so he would stop staring at his legs and the thing lying between them, “qualities just as appealing. I won’t stop you from finding your own happiness. Atlantis would need a happy ruler.”

Jensen looks up and nods at his father, watches as Jeffrey dives back into the water. He stands up on shaky legs, arms flailing to balance himself. When he finds stability, water dripping from his naked body, Mike and Chris stares at his groin, heads tilted in amazement.

“Huh,” Mike mutters.

Jensen discovers that his brand new legs and appendage are as beautiful as his tailfin. He smiles widely at his friends but neither of them is paying attention, transfixed with his nudity.

“Okay, okay,” Steve takes control, gliding before Jensen’s face. “As astounding as those things are, humans seem to want to cover them most of the time, in public. So here’s what we’re going to do.”


Jared leans against the big rock on the beach, whistling the tune he heard from the other day. Beside him, Sadie and Harley are sitting on their hind legs, tails wagging. He looks to the sea and sighs, raking a hand through his hair.

“I don’t know what else to do, guys,” he says. “I can’t take him off my mind. I think he’s the one, you know? I mean, I know absolutely nothing about this dude but I just…I can’t explain it. There’s something about him that’s just…”

That’s when Sadie decides to bark like a maniac, rushing off along the beach with Harley on her trail. Jared frowns and takes off after them, jogging.

“Sadie! What is it, girl? What’s wrong?” Jared pants, catching up to the dogs.

He halts to a stop when he finds a guy sprawling on the big rock in front of him, eyes sparkling and hair tousled as the two dogs attack him with tongues and paws. The guy notices Jared’s presence and looks up and Jared thinks his dick actually goes into shock from the torrent of blood filling it in a fraction of a second. The guy is gorgeous in a way that Jared doesn’t think is possible. Even with matted hair and drenched with sea water, sand clinging to the downy golden hair scattered all over his body and donning some sort of a sloppily put-together loincloth, the guy is gorgeous. Suddenly Jared can’t seem to take his eyes away from the miles of naked skin, hard-edged cords of muscles and smooth flesh until Harley jumps up and pushes him with its paws.

“Oh. Um. Hello,” he greets, approaching the guy. He looks at Jared underneath girly eyelashes, green eyes unblinking. “What are you doing here?” he asks softly. Something about his eyes and the shape of his lips sparks Jared’s faint memory. “You seem familiar. Have we met before?”

The guy nods eagerly, his damp hair tumbling all over his impressive chest.

“We have?” Jared grins, pleased. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re the one I’ve been looking for. The one who saved me from drowning. What’s your name?”

The guy opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He blinks and motions a hand to his throat, looking disappointed.

Jared can’t help but shows disappointment as well as he nods slowly. “Oh. You can’t speak? I guess you can’t be the one I’m looking for, then.”

The guy’s face scrunches up in the cutest way and Jared struggles not to just grab him and kiss him senseless right there in the middle of his very private, very empty beach-

Harley chooses that moment to bark as loud as ever, startling Jared from his daydreaming. The guy is still lounging on the rock, looking at him expectantly. Jared passes him his best grin and helps him down, not even concealing his muffled groan as the guy slides down his front, chafing his hardened cock.

“Come on,” he says, taking pleasure in noticing how his whole hand can circle the guy’s wrist. “Let me take you back to my home.”


If Jared thinks the guy looks hot stranded on the beach, seeing him standing in the doorway wearing a hoodie and jeans almost knocks him off his feet, his cock suddenly springing into attention. His servants have taken the guy for a bath and a haircut and now he’s clean, smells heavenly even from a few feet away and has very, very nice hair. Short, devilishly disheveled, kind of spiky-

“Whoa,” Tom inhales sharply from his side, interrupting his thoughts. “Where’d you pick up such a hunk, Jay?”

Sometimes Jared hates how Tom easily forgets that he’s the manservant. “He’s all alone on the beach this morning,” he waves Tom off nonchalantly, eyes trained on the stranger as he cruises the room. “I thought he’s the one I’m looking for, you know?”

“The one who saved you and then sang to you on the beach half naked?” Tom asks incredulously, snickering.

“Well, he was half naked when I found him this morning. And there’s something about those eyes and lips, you know?”

Tom makes an approval noise, staring at the guy across the room. “Uh huh. I can see that.”

Jared elbows him in the stomach, hard. “Stop staring at him. I think I recognized them, that’s all. But he has no voice. So it can’t be him.”

“Maybe he lost his voice from crooning to strangers he saved from drowning.”

Jared scowls at Tom’s grinning face, walking over to where Jensen is standing. “You’re a complete asshole,” he mutters over his shoulder.

The guy turns away from the floor-to-ceiling window and brightens up when Jared approaches him, an incredible smile breaking his face in two. Jared smiles back, thanking God for blessing him with a set of killer dimples and touches the guy’s arm experimentally. To his delight, the guy grasps his other hand and threads their fingers together, gazing at them intently.

“Hi,” he pitches his voice low deliberately. The guy blinks his brilliant eyes up at him and Jared feels sparks of heat rushing up and down his spine. “How’re you feeling? You feeling alright?”

The guy nods and grins, still clinging to Jared like he doesn’t want to let go. Not that Jared’s complaining.

“Okay,” Jared says, stroking the guy’s forearm, moving to his bicep and liking what he feels. “Why don’t you rest for today? I can show you around the place if you want. Tomorrow we can take a walk together. How’s that sound?”

Tom walks past them and sniggers. “Take a walk.”

Jared throws a glare in his manservant’s way and smiles deliberately slowly and sexily at the other man. “Ignore Tommy. He’s sexually depressed.”

The guy laughs with his eyes and Jared’s really starting to think that he’s falling in love with this boy, serenading voice or not.

“Now,” he clears his throat, finally letting go of the guy’s arm but sliding his hand off slowly. “Would you like to have lunch with me? You must be hungry.”

The guy nods and Jared motions for him to move to the dining table, admiring the view of tight, perky ass as he trails from behind.


That night, Jared jerks off at the images of the guy writhing underneath him, gloriously naked and erect, making tiny porn noises and batting those eyelashes at him. He imagines those lips against his own skin, the bottom part catching at the head of his cock and comes so hard he’s afraid his eyes are going to remain crossed for the rest of his life.

Jensen, entirely unfamiliar with his new anatomical part, just stares as his dick lengthens and hardens when he thinks about Jared’s eyes, his nose and lips and perfect smile. He looks over at Chris who’s perching on the nightstand, asking for suggestions mutely.

“Uh. I don’t know, Jensen,” Chris mumbles. “Maybe…try touching it?”

Jensen does and the second his fingers brush against it, a surge of intense pleasure shoots up his spine, making his eyes roll backwards as his whole body arches up.

“Whoa,” Chris says, eyes wide. “What is it? Does it hurt?”

Jensen shakes his head dazedly, eyelids half shut, hand now fisting his cock and stroking experimentally, slow at first and then faster when he feels like it. He’s never feel so good before, like his spine is going to break from the intense pleasure but then he accidentally swipes his thumb across the head and his back bows reflexively, ropes of come spurting all over himself. His eyes and mouth fly open with a silent scream, his entire body shaking from the sensation.

“Oh, ew,” Chris groans as he looks at the mess. “That’s just gross.”


Spending time with the guy all day, Jared doesn’t think he can ever be happier. They stroll around the town for a while, go horseback riding in the park, shop for new clothes and shoes - which the guy seems to be obsessed about, but Jared can’t care less - and they’re finishing the day off with a boat ride on the lagoon adjacent to the castle ground.

He seems to be fascinated with water, dipping the tip of his fingers from the side of the boat, an open smile on his beautiful face. Jared stops rowing in the middle of the pond and taps the guy’s knee gingerly. He turns to Jared and grins, eyebrows slightly raised.

“Listen,” Jared murmurs, leaning slightly forward and staring into those mesmerizing eyes. “I’m kinda tired of referring to you as ‘the guy’ in my brain, so can I just guess your name? Is that okay?”

The guy nods, still grinning. Jared notices delightedly that he has a hand clasping Jared’s kneecap.

“I figure the best way to approach this is in alphabetical order,” Jared grins. “Now, let’s see. Adam? Adrian? Alex?”

From the banks off to the side of the boat, Chris is severely observing what’s happening, Mike by his side munching on something.

“We need to do something to help,” he decides out loud.

Mike snorts. “I don’t think so. I mean, have you seen the dude’s lips? They’ll be smooching like it’s out of style before you can spell your own name.”

“Excuse me,” Chris grumbles, claws resting on his hips. “I don’t think normal human princes go around making out with strange, mute boys.”

“Normal? Please,” Mike scoffs. “What’s gayer than prancing around in knee-high boots, tight pants and pink shirts?”

“Prancing around underwater, swishing green tailfins around while serenading,” Chris retaliates smugly.

“He has a solid point,” Steve provides from where he’s sitting atop them.

“Steve,” Chris says. “How’s your jamming skill, man?”

“Rusty, dude,” Steve groans.

“Looks like it’s in my hands,” Chris sighs, hopping around until he’s near enough to the boat to find that Jared’s only up to the letter D.

“Desmond? Dean? Darren?” Jared pauses as Jensen shakes his head again. “Daniel?”

Jensen’s nose scrunches up as he shakes his head this time. Then, Jared hears someone whispering into his ear, barely audible at first then clearer. He thinks it’s odd but figures there’s no harm in trying.

“Um. Is it Jensen?” he wonders out loud.

Jensen nods frantically, beaming from ear to ear. Jared returns the enthusiasm by grabbing Jensen’s hand and holding their intertwined hands against his chest. Jensen blushes lightly, ducking his head.

“God. It’s Jensen, huh? You have such a cool name,” Jared laughs, pressing their hands closer to him, lightly stroking Jensen’s fingers and palm with his own.

Jensen peers at him from underneath his heavy lashes and Jared tugs him forward into his chest without thinking, pressing their mouths together. Jensen gasps a little and his mouth opens wider at that, allowing Jared to swipe his tongue inside, flirting with Jensen’s.

Beneath the water by the boat, the yellow-eyed eel is ready to topple the two lovebirds into the tarn when out of nowhere he is smacked by a powerful, tiny fishtail. He barely has time to register anything before he’s hit with a flounder’s fin, knocking him unconscious.

“Don’t you mess with my boy,” Mike warns. “I eat unagi for breakfast!”


Jensen has lost count of how many kisses they’ve shared, how many times Jared’s tongue has tangled with his own by the time they run out of breath, foreheads pressed against each other, breathing hot and heavy. Jensen’s hands end up curling in Jared’s shirt and Jared’s hands are pressed on the sides of Jensen’s face and neck, caressing softly.

“Back to the castle,” Jared breathes, nipping at Jensen’s lips. “Bedroom.”

Jensen nods, heat stirring inside his belly. Jared kisses him again, deep and hard, before rowing quickly back to where they come from. They stumble out of the boat in a tangled heap of groping hands and connected mouths, struggling to climb the winding staircase to Jared’s royal bedroom. Jared thinks about carrying Jensen up all the way but decides it’s too romance novel-y clichéd. Apparently, Jensen really likes to kiss, clinging to Jared’s front, attacking his mouth with vigor and subconsciously humping his thigh.

“Jensen, Jensen,” Jared whispers against his neck, biting playfully.

He pushes Jensen down, pressing him into the bed. Jensen’s eyes widen with obvious pleasure when Jared grinds their groins together, his hand grappling at Jared’s hair and neck, finally settling against the nape as he arches up and pushes his tongue against Jared’s. Jared grows impatient, and proceeds to rip their clothes off, the sound of cloth tearing and buttons hitting the wall accompanying their labored breaths. Jensen catches on quick, popping the button on Jared’s jeans and yanking the whole thing down without even unbuttoning all the way, transfixed with the way Jared’s fully erect cock catches the waistband and springs free, almost hitting his chin. He jumps in surprise when Jared takes hold of his dick, jerking it without preamble.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” Jared mumbles, eyes fixed on his own fist and the angry red of Jensen’s cockhead peeking between his forefinger and thumb. “So fucking pretty.”

Jensen pushes against his chest and Jared realizes that it’s too much for him. Jensen’s chest heaves rapidly, his heart hammering against his ribcage as Jared stops and places a hand between them. There’s some panic in Jensen’s eyes, swirling bright green along with what Jared recognizes as lust.

“Have you…” Jared swallows as Jensen cups the back of his head and massages his scalp. “Have you done this before?”

Jensen shakes his head, cheeks burning crimson. Jared smiles, swipes unruly hair off his forehead and presses their lips together softly. Jensen whimpers mutely, trying to get more of the kiss. Jared rises onto his haunches and motions for Jensen to flip onto his stomach and runs his palms down the spectacular naked skin from shoulder blades to the rise of ass. He kneads Jensen’s back a little before bending down and traces his tongue down, kissing the base of Jensen’s spine. Jensen’s back curves like a cat and Jared smiles against the soft skin underneath him. He spreads the cheeks and gives a tentative lick across Jensen’s entrance. When Jensen pushes back eagerly, Jared keeps licking and kissing, wriggling his tongue inside until Jensen’s quivering, sobbing quietly.

Jared has never thought having sex like this, without words, just hard breathing and exhaled whimpers can be such a turn on. He grips Jensen on the hips and rolls him over, kissing him messily and wetly as he reaches up to the nightstand and retrieving the condom and lube he keeps in the drawer. Rolling the condom on, he suckles on Jensen’s swollen lower lip.

“I’ll make it good,” he moans, slicking his fingers up. “I’ll make it good for you.”

Jensen nods, eyes half-lidded and looking so sexy Jared has to squeeze the base of his cock to keep from coming. He circles Jensen’s entrance before pushing in slowly. Jensen takes it well, his muscles not as tense as Jared expected. When Jared’s second finger enters and he crooks it, though, Jensen nearly shoots off the bed before Jared manages to rest his free hand on the sharp jut of one hip, stroking and calming him down. He gets three fingers in and Jensen’s breathing grows more erratic, pulls everything out and reenters with two digits, scissoring a little. Jensen’s stomach muscles tighten underneath his hand and Jared knows that he’s hitting the right spot.

Jensen beckons him simply with his eyes and Jared can’t wait any longer. He guides his cock with slightly trembling fingers and pushes gingerly against the slick hole, keeping his eyes on Jensen’s face. Jensen’s eyes slip shut slowly, his legs falling open on their own accord and Jared pushes all the way in. As soon as he’s buried to the hilt, his soft balls pressing against Jensen’s ass, he freezes at the feeling of hot, tight flesh gripping him. Jensen’s hands grapple at his back, urging him to move and so Jared does.

“God, Jensen,” he purrs, hands at the back of Jensen’s legs as he fucks in and out slowly. “So tight. Feels so good.”

Jensen seems to take pleasure in hearing that, circling his own cock and stroking urgently. Jared pushes his hand away and grasps him in one large hand, thumb swiping at the head, wrist flicking and fingers fondling the vein along the length. Jensen ripples all around him and Jared can’t help but fucks faster and harder, the sound of skin slapping reverberating through the room.

He marvels in the fact that only his voice can be heard, chanting curses and Jensen’s name in the near dark. “Oh, oh, fuck, yes. Jensen, yes. Oh, God, oh, oh, oh. Yes, Jensen. Yes. Fuck.”

Jared’s thrusts become erratic, Jensen’s hips stuttering against his own, legs swung over his broad shoulders. They kiss even harder, tongues tangling and teeth clacking, mouth nipping each other. He jerks Jensen roughly, in tandem with his thrusts until Jensen’s arching and tensing up.

As soon as Jensen comes, splashing onto Jared’s fingers and their bellies, he lets out a satisfied groan, so primal that it shoots a sparkling heat up Jared’s spine. “Ah, Jared. Jared, Jared.”

Jared milks him as he keeps spurting, listening to Jensen’s voice screaming his name and fucking even faster until the pleasure gets too much and he spills deep inside the tight heat surrounding him, feeling like his spine could snap in two from the intensity.

“Fuck, Jensen. Oh, oh fuck.”

“Jared, Jared,” Jensen gasps breathlessly, burying his teeth in Jared’s shoulder.


“So, wait. You’re telling me that I just fucked a merman?” Jared asks, eyes wide with amusement.

Jensen stretches lazily on the bed next to him, late afternoon sunlight dancing against rippling muscles. “Yep,” he yawns. “And I think you’re the first human to do so, too.”

“And what you’ve told me. About Atlantis and the sea witch and the half naked mermaids at your expense are true?”

Jensen gazes at Jared’s raised eyebrows and smiles. “Yes, they’re true,” he whispers, mouthing along the angle of Jared’s jaw. “I can see that you’re interested with the part about the mermaids.”

Jared smirks, moving to straddle Jensen’s hips. “If I’m more interested in mermaids, baby, would we have such a pleasurable time just now?” Jared grinds down and grins when Jensen hisses. “One I plan to go through over and over and over again.”

“God, yes,” Jensen smiles into the kiss Jared initiates.

Jared pulls away and rolls onto his side, letting Jensen burrow inside his arms as his fingers card through Jensen’s brand new haircut, kissing his temple. “I’ve always been curious. How do you merpeople have sex anyway?”

Jensen laughs softly, slipping into sleep. “Are you sure you want to know?”

Jared licks his ear and bites down gently. “Yeah.”

“Are you really, really sure?”

“Yes,” Jared sighs, letting his own eyes slip shut.

“Are you really, really, really, really, really sure?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake-!”

Just as Jensen expected, Jared regrets asking the question, his face growing paler as Jensen goes into detail, green at the edges.

It involves a lot of slimy tailfins.

So, you see, it isn’t that Jensen hates his tailfin. It’s just that he enjoys what he just did with Jared very, very much. And well, to do that, he figures legs are required.

padackles, jsquared feature film, when i porned;, typetype, when i cracked;

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