Title: Like A Soldier In Tin Packaging.
Fandom: Doctor Who.
Characters: Rose Tyler, The Doctor.
Prompt: Stronger for
deviant_muses, Feb. '08.
Word Count: 725.
Rating: G.
Note: Spoilers ahead. You have been warned~.
Am I ever going to see you again?
The question burned as Rose tilted her head against the trolley window. Her dark eyes closed, and the world that was slipped into the abyss of her mind. Images blurred into adjusted focus, and she could see The Doctor smiling back at her. She always could, when she tried hard enough. After all, there was no other proof left that he had actually existed. Only memories, and a rusty, red bicycle.
You can't.
The Doctor moved his hand beneath his jawline, massaging his flesh with his fingertips. He stood at the railing of the bridge, glancing down at the pitter patter of ducks gliding against the water's surface. Inside of each pigment, he could see her: beaming, laughing, smiling, even shrieking. He could feel his hearts beating inside of his body, and yet- there was no real life behind either of them. No. Not without her.
What are you going to do?
Rose opened her eyes as a small girl settled into the seat next to her. Her head turned, in order to get a better look. The girl waved her small, pink mitten, and gave her a cheeky smile. Rose nodded at her, returning a tiny smile of her own. They could have had that, right? If there ever truly was a "they"; wasn't that even a remote possibility? Wasn't there a chance? The trolley hit a small bump, causing the innocent girl to giggle excitedly.
Back to the TARDIS. Same old life.
An elderly woman with the food trolley made her way over the bridge, hollering out her option of goods. The Doctor peered over his shoulder, across the brown fabric of his trench coat. If she was still with him, it was only a matter of time before that was to happen to her. Her beauty, her delicacy; once the mirror of a flower, would wither. Wither, and eventually, lose all will to live, all its petals...
On your own?
The Trolley came to a halt, and Rose grabbed her knapsack. "Looks like 'm next," Rose told the girl. Her miniature nose wrinkled as she peered up at Rose.
"You're very pretty. D’you have a boyfriend?" The girl questioned. Rose's eyebrows lifted as the child's mother turned around. "Violet- you don't ask people that! Sorry, don't mind her. She doesn't know."
"No, no, it's.. it's fine. Violet, right?" Rose looked down at the girl and shook her head. "Nope. No boyfriend for me. Not right now, at least," Was that what he was? A boyfriend? Someone she could consider special, her own? A mutual other, even? No, Rose, she told herself. It has to be mutual to be considered mutual.
"You doin' alright, Mister?" The woman asked, stopping a few feet behind. Her trolley between her grasp. The Doctor moved on his white Converse, settling his hands on the bannister. She smiled back, a toothy smile.
"What? Oh, yeah. Just- one of those lonely days," he nodded, beaming. "Thanks, though, for asking," the woman tipped her head and continued forward. His eyes followed her. Lonely days. Lonely years. They all seemed the same to him after nine hundred plus years.
I- .... I love you.
The second stop. Rose nodded to Violet, and got another small wave in return. "Don't worry-" Violet started as Rose moved through the crowd, "You'll find 'im again, someday." She stood in her tracks.
"C'mon, then!" The driver rushed from behind his seat. Rose broke from her momentary trance and pushed outside the trolley. She looked around the street, acknowledging the vibrant lights on a near job-occupied strip: Doctor, one vertical sign read. Rose wet her lips and closed her eyes, adjusting her knapsack on her shoulder. "I love you, Doctor..." She whispered.
Quite right too. And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it: Rose Tyler.... I-
The Doctor pocketed his fists and strolled down the cobblestone bridge. It took only a few moments for him to find his way down the path. But at last, he stopped before a large, blue Police box. His eyes narrowed momentarily, before averting towards the over-cast sky. "I love you, too, Rose Tyler- so much." Without another sound, he gave a resounding sigh and pulled out a small key.
As he disappeared, so did the Police Box.