I always seem to miss all the friending memes and by the time I find out about them, they're several pages long. *pouts* So I've decided to make one for Heroes in hopes of making new fandom friends and helping others make friends. ^^
The QuestionsName/Nickname
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Comments 69
Love the icon!
Age: 25
Location: Windsor, Ontario
Friending Policy for your LJ: I don't really have one. Add me if you like and I'll probably add you back unless I think we have absolutely zero in common.
What's on your LJ: I talk about a lot of different stuff - rl, hockey, music, ho-yay!/slash, tv shows, movies, books
Favorite Characters and Ships: Claude, Peter, Hiro, HRG, Mohinder, Isaac, Nathan, Mama Petrelli; Peter/Isaac, Peter/Mohinder, Peter/Claude (sensing a theme here? *chuckles*)
Less Favorite Characters and Ships: Not a big fan of Simone.
Are you on the list?: Sadly, I have no super powers.
Other Fandoms: House, Supernatural, The X-Files, Firefly, Prison Break, 24, Lost.
What fandom do you think needs a friending meme of its own: Hmm. Dunno.
The Questions
Name/Nickname: Rae/Tith
Location: Northern Australia (but I'm a downloader so I'm up with the US)
Friending Policy for your LJ: I'm friends only because I picked up a troll, but I'm open for new friends so long as you are over 18 and share some interests.
What's on your LJ: Fandom stuff, rl dramas and the occasional meme and icons
Favorite Characters and Ships: Hiro, Claire, Zach, Micha, DL, Peter and Isaac Claire/Zach, Hiro/Sword
Less Favorite Characters and Ships: Matt (which I really hate because I love Greg Gunberg) Simone, Mohinder. Peter/Nathan, Peter/Claire, Simone/Life. I'm not against incest (been in the Supernatural fandom too long) and I have plenty of friends that love it. But it's not for me.
Are you on the list?: Sure am ;D i wish!
Other Fandoms: Supernatural, LOST, Stargate: Atlantis, Harry Potter, Dexter, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, Jericho, NCIS
What fandom do you think needs a friending meme of its own: Of my fandoms? Probably Gilmore Girls needs it the most, also NCIS and Jericho
P.S.: I love your icon. Heehee.
Friended back
Age: 21
Location: Philly
Friending Policy for your LJ: Pretty much anyone who's interested in at least a few of my fandoms
What's on your LJ: Fangirling, tea parties, more fangirling, etc. Just a lot of random stuff.
Favorite Characters and Ships: HIRO. Obviously. Who doesn't like Hiro? Hiro and Peter are my two favourite characters, though I also like Claire, Ando, HRG, Isaac, Mohinder, Nathan, Matt, DL-- pretty much everyone. I don't have ships, though I would've shipped Hiro/Charlie(ey?). And Nathan and Peter are awfully touchy-feely for brothers, aren't they? O___oLess Favorite Characters and Ships: Um. Niki. And Simone, ick. Sylar also makes me cringe, but I like having him on the show in that "You are such an awesome villain" way ( ... )
(The comment has been removed)
Age: 22
Location: California
Friending Policy: Fish are friends, not food - oh, wait. Wrong policy! No real policy. I enjoy having friends, and if you add me, I will add you back.
What's On Your LJ: A lot of fandom, some real-life comments.
Favorite Characters: Nathan! (So much when I started typing this comment, I typed 'nathan' instead of 'name'. Also, Peter, Claire, Hiro, and against the trend - Niki! (but really? I love them all).
Less Favorite Characters: Simone.
Are You On The List? Who wants to know?
Other Fandoms: To numerous to list them all, but X-men, BSG, SG-everything, Firefly, Prison Break, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc, etc, etc.
What Fandom Do You Think Needs a Friending Meme of its own: Ummm. Something older - like Sports Night! Or something newer like.. Ugly Betty!
Oh, I'm totally wearing that shirt right now!
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