Sing a Song of Wellbutrin

Aug 18, 2013 15:35

You faithful readers probably noticed yesterday that I repeated what has to be my favorite mantra: take your meds!
It was a re-post of my counsel to a sweet girl who was on-line pondering whether she should continue taking anti-depressives. She's since come back to me, acknowledging that ignoring one's psychological needs was a bad idea. So I wrote her again, and some of what I touted seems possibly of wider interest.


...I'm not very good at paying attention to advice (my sig-other would second that!), but -- in addition to the closed-loop feedback (when I occasionally forget to take the damned meds) -- I once got some great advice from my favorite therapist, Beth.

After we agreed the weekly sessions had gone about far enough (she was retiring -- otherwise, what therapist will EVER agree to that?!), she quite solemnly told me NEVER to go off meds!! Obviously, in 25 or so sessions, it seems I had convinced her of the gravity of my situation. It shocked me a little.

Oh, and a bit MORE advice -- this time, the fun stuff! You wrote your "sex drive seems a bit nonexistent..." I don't know what meds you're taking, but a lot of them DO squelch the libido -- in no uncertain terms! But, after having my sexuality mauled by several anti-depressives (e.g., Depacol -- ick!) right after my horrible 2002 depression, a new shrink put me on Wellbutrin (and there's a good generic, Bupropion -- get the "SR" -- slow release, lasts 24 hours).

Wellbutrin used to advertise on network-TV "NO sexual side effects" (I suspect the prudes shut that down -- meds aren't supposed to unchain one's libido!), and -- on this one -- Big Pharma was right! My sex drive came back as though it was impatient to make up for lost time!

Oh, and a word to the wise. My (and your) best friend is your hand (not to proclaim the all-too-obvious). I'm older than you -- and my sig-other has more or less given up on sex -- her long-ago Catholic-school education clashed with my BDSM inclination. We had 15 great years of wild sex; now we have none -- but we do have a good overall relationship, and I don't want to wreck that. (She still kisses marvelously!)

So blogging on the Internet is also my friend. It enhances my sense of uninhibited playing with sexy girls -- while the intimate contact is...well, nothing if not intimate.

nakedness, devil's daughter, erotica, annoyed sex partners

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