Ooh, looks like someone's bored...

Jul 29, 2005 16:41

::: f i r s t s :::
First REAL best friend: Sarah-Jane Pringle

First real break-up: Um, no?

First self purchased album: Savage Garden, self-titled

First pets: Angel, my family's white cat

First piercing/tattoo: Piercing= 1st birthday, Tattoo= 18th birthday

First credit card: My debit card, then my Visa Platinum

First true love: Mike ^^

First enemy: Tara Bridges, but we became friends...took five years though.

First big trip: Mom took me to San Francisco when I was three or four, but I don't really remember much of it. Next big one was NYC when I was seven or eight.

First music you remember hearing in your house: Aerosmith \m/(-_-)\m/

::: l a s t s :::
Last cigarette: Never

Last time I drove in a car: About twenty minutes ago or so

Last good cry: Last month

Last library book checked out: No clue, I haven't checked out a library book since the third grade.

Last movie seen: As in, at the theatre? Batman Begins

Last beverage drank: Dunkin's iced latte

Last food consumed: Tuna sammich

Last phone call: Some Brookstone corporate peoples

Last time showered: Last night

Last shoes worn: My work boots

Last item bought: Polos for work

Last annoyance: James

Last time wanting to die: It's actually been a while...

::: r e l a t i o n s h i p s :::
01. who are your best friends? Lindz, Bara, Meli, Jay, Jeff, Laurie, Meggles, etc. etc...I love all my friends, every single one!

02. how do your relationships usually end? Good question. Let's hope I don't have to find out, m'kay?

03. what qualities do you find attractive in the opposite sex? Intelligence, wit, sense of humor

04. which charactersitics are unattractive in the opposite sex? Smokers (I'm with Meli on this one), arrogance, intolerance, immaturity

::: f a s h i o n s t u f f :::
01. where is your favorite place to shop? Varies with my mood, I suppose, but I do fancy Hot Topic.

02. what color is most of your wardrobe? Black and blue, some green

03. What designer labels do you wear? Tripp, Aeropostale, Old Navy

04. What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences

05. what are you most scared of? Spiders, needles, and ending up alone

06. what are you listening to right now? Distorted Penguins - Cloud 9

07. where do you want to get married? Outside, at night with a skyfull of stars

08. how many buddies are online right now? 15

09. what would you change about yourself? I'd boost my self-confidence, because I desperately need some. >_<

::: f a v o r i t e s :::
01. color: Blue

02. food: I could live off shepards pie and die happy. Oh, and cheesecake.

03. boys' names: Aiden, Joel, Liam, Aaron

04. girls' names: Janelle, Dakota, Hannah, Jeanine

05. subjects in school: Mythology and Accounting

06. animals: Cats!

07. sports: Duh, I'm Canadian. Hockey! XD

08. perfume: Cool Waters or Green Tea

09. cologne: Calvin Klein's Eternity for Men...God, that stuff is like bottled smecks. ~_~

10. day of the week: Saturday

::: h a v e y o u e v e r :::
01: ever given anyone a bath? Yup, all four of my cousins

02. smoked? Nope

03. bungee jumped? No

05. skinny dipped? Only in the shower, but don't tell anyone!

06: been in love? Yes

08. pictured your crush naked? Well that's a silly question.

09. actually seen your crush or ex naked? As of the moment, no. >:D

10. cried when someone died? Naturally.

11. lied? *lies* No. >_>

12. fallen for your best friend? She hasn't tripped me yet, but I did run into a wall in her house. But in my defence, it was pitch black in the hall!

13. been rejected? Sure, but in which way?

14. rejected someone? Yes, but it was far from enjoyable.

15. used someone? I use Mike as a pillow :D

16. done something you regret? Hasn't everyone?

::: c u r r e n t :::
clothes: Purple polo and khakis from work

smell: Mint, I'm chewing gum.

favorite artist: Far too many to name.

desktop picture: Reki of Haibane Renmei

cd in player: Distorted Penguins - Magic

dvd in player: Nothing at the moment

::: l a s t p e r s o n :::
you touched: Lindz

you cried over: Mike leaving >_>

you hugged: Lindz

you imed: Laurie

you yelled at: ...whoa, I don't even remember. Must've been a long ways back. o.O;

you dreamt about: Mike

visited: Dennis and Patty

::: a r e y o u :::
understanding: Yup

open-minded: Always

arrogant: I don't think so

insecure: ...um...YES.

smart: I seem to fool plenty of people into thinking so. XD

moody: On occasion

hardworking: When it's worth it

organized: My mess is organized, I know where everything is in the pile. ^_^

healthy: I guess

attractive: One or two people seem to delude themselves that I am.

bored easily: Nope

responsible: I always try to be

driven: Yep

obsessed: About?

angry: It comes and goes

sad: Sometimes

happy: Yes, even this one happens lately...

hyper: I was a little while ago.

talkative: Mostly

legal: For everything but drinking, which I don't care for anyhow.

::: w h o d o y o u w a n n a :::
kill: That's a bit strong. ._.

get high with: No one, because it's stupid.

look like: Someone pretty?

talk to offline: Mike and Laurie at the moment

talk to online: Any of my friends

::: w h i c h i s b e t t e r :::

coke or pepsi: Coke

flowers or candy: Flowers don't make me feel fat. XD

tall or short: Tallness of the male persuasion

hot or cold: Hot. I hate being cold.

day or night: Night

country or city: Suburbs, so nyeh. Right in between.

cats or dogs: Cats

love or lust: Love

kerry or bush: Kerry, and don't even get me started on this whole fiasco again.

winter, summer, spring , fall: Spring and fall

::: r a n d o m :::
in the morning i am: Frizzy

i dream about: Oodles of things

what do you notice first about someone: Eyes, and how they look at/approach you

front or back: Um...front? What is this referring to?

last person you danced with: Kaitlyn and I did Cotten-Eyed Joe to a dance mix at work. XD

who makes you laugh hardest: Lindz, mostly due to events last night.

who makes you smile the most: Mike

who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Mike

who has a crush on you: Right, as if they'd tell me. Probably creepy Erik in the mall. ;_;

:::d o y o u e v e r::::

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: No, I just IM them

wish you were younger: Not really

talk to yourself: On occasion

think about a scenario & then have it come true: It's happened

::: n u m b e r :::

of times i have had my heart broken: None yet, and I hope to keep it that way.

of hearts i have broken: I don't know, but I hope there aren't very many.

of guys i've kissed: Eeh, two.

of girls i've kissed: A couple on the cheek or sommat, I guess.

of continents i have lived in: One

of tight friends: Closest friends...probably three or four

of cds i own: Way over a hundred. I gave up count a long time ago.

of scars on body: Three that I can think of at the moment

*All About Yooh*
Name: Kimberly

Middle Name: Lynne

Age: 18

Birthday: October 23rd

Single or Taken: Taken n____n

AOL/AIM/YAHOO/Whatever else u have screen name: DevilAngel1023

live journal name: DevilAngel1023 -- keeps things simple, doesn't it?

*When was the last time you..*
Ate: Yesterday

Sang in public: Today at work

Run around the house naked: Um...never?

Ate Beef Stew: Last year sometime

Had a Party: Had? As in, hosted? Not for a long time.

Won a ribbon or trophy: I got a Certificate of Excellance from work late last year

Preformed on stage: Chorus throughout middle school

Went to school: May

Hugged someone: Yesterday

Failed a Test: Probably last quarter or sommat.

Went into a chat room: A plain ol' chatroom? Years. XD

Hula Hooped: Yeeeaaaaars!

Cried: A few days ago

Went on Ebay: To see the holy grilled cheese.

Broke something: I broke a nail at work during floorset. Hurt like hell too.

Were in a fight: I fought with Mom all last week.

Had a headache: Yesterday

Played with fire: Literally played? Sixth grade, with dry leaves and a huge magnifying glass.

Ran in the house holding scissors: No clue. I don't think I have.

*Song fun.. I'll give u the singer and u give me a few words from one of their songs..*

Britney Spears: Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

Kid Rock: I'm headin' out west cuz I wanna be a cowboy

Hilary Duff: Trying to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin

Simple Plan: Everyone's got somewhere to go, and they're gonna leave me here on my own

Will Smith: Any damsel that's in distress be outta that dress when she meets Jim West

Bowling for soup: She hates time, make it stop - When did Motley Crue become classic rock?

Selena: And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be than here in my room, dreaming about you and me

The Calling: If I could make you mine

Phil Collins: Cuz to wait for you is all I can do and that's what I've gotta face

Nelly: Shake ya tail feather

Ashlee Simpson: *refuses to acknowledge*

Jessica Simpson: So I wanna know where we stand, are you gonna be a dog or a gentleman?

50 Cent: ...

Alicia Keys: I keep on fallin' in and out of love with you

All-American Rejects: My paper heart will bleed

Avril Lavigne: I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

Backstreet boys: I'll be the one, I'll be the light, where you can run to make it alright

Celin Dion: I'm everything I am because you love me

Clay Aiken: ...

Cher: I got you babe

Destiny's Child: I woke up this morning, the sunshine was shining, I put on my happy face

Eminem: Sometimes I think theres nothin' to live for, I almost break down and cry

Garth Brooks: ...

Faith Hill: So cry just a little for me

Spice Girls: Yes I still remember every whispered word

JoJo: You said that you would treat me right but you was just a waste of time

Kelly Clarkson: Dreaming of what could be and if I'd end up happy

Lonestar: Every little thing that you do

Madonna: All you need is your own imagination

Nsync: See I just love the feeling knowing I can make you smile, and I haven't felt that way about someone in quite a while

Relient K: ...

*Which friend is?*
Shy: Suzy


Crazy: All of us XD

Most likely to go to jail: Haha, for what?

Best: All of them, naturally.

Funny: All of 'em again

Short: Suzy, Laurie, and Dasha

Tall: Lindz towers over me by two inches, the wench.

Most involved: Dasha's into everything extracurricular and whatnot

Most likely to succeed: Bara's probably gonna pwn us all. :P

Most likely to be famous: Lindz, when her name rolls in the credits of an animated movie

Most athletic: Jay and Jeff, the DDR Duo of DOOM

Nice: Duh, all.

Sweet: See above.

Cool: This is getting redundant.

Weird: Everyone~

Most likely to become president: Me or Bara. We'll debate that. Like hell I'd let Dasha and her republican views beat me! XD

Most likely to take this survey: The next survey-thief down the line!

*Can You*
Touch your toes: Yep

Say ?How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? really fast?: Er, yeah.

Type without looking at the keyboard: Yup

Dance: When alone, yes. XD

Read: ...what, seriously?

Do a spilt: I'd end up splitting something vital, like a tendon or something I'm sure.

Count past 100: This is almost insulting.

Eat a lot: Used to! I was a moocow.

Survive without music: Hell no.

Survive without TV: Give me my 'puter!

Write cursive good: Heh, no way.

Stay up all night: I just did! :D

Are u sick of this survey yet?: Only the stupid and/or redundant questions

Have you ever cussed at your parents?: At her, no. In front of her, yes.

Have u ever babysat?: Yup

Do u have 10 fingers and 10 toes?: Yes, yes I do.

Did u find this survey confusing?: Nooo...

Have you ever seen the movie Save the last dance?: I own it

What' your favorite reality show?: Survivor <3

Did you know that 1 + 1 = 2?: And in 1984, 2+2=5

Do u wear Reeboks?: Nope, Sketchers

Did u have a good weekend?: Nope, but hopefully the next will be better.
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