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Comments 8

raincitygirl November 10 2012, 02:15:55 UTC
This story is completely adorable!


devildoll November 16 2012, 17:58:25 UTC
Thank you, sweetie. <3


rissabby November 10 2012, 10:26:00 UTC
Wonderful story. I really like the feeling that comes through of Steve being part of "The Greatest Generation". He's not an old foggy, but he has different values. He follows the rules (at least if he doesn't actively disagree with them).

Sad Hulk was very cute too.


devildoll November 16 2012, 18:02:55 UTC
Thank you so much! I think Steve would be different, but not completely rigid and weird, so it was fun trying to find a balance for him in the story. I'm glad you liked it! <3

(Hulk icon just for you!)


seshat1 November 11 2012, 17:30:35 UTC
First off: AW!!! And YAY! I absolutely loved this, it's so cute and perfect, and I like Steve still being a little 1940's without being super up tight about sex.

Secondly - you read my mind. I swear I have just read all the Steve/Darcy going and was moaning about there not being more, then you cam and fixed it! :D Hehe.


devildoll November 16 2012, 18:05:17 UTC
Thank you so much! I really wanted to find a balance for Steve, being from a different time but open-minded enough to adapt, and I'm glad you liked it. <3


trar November 19 2012, 05:18:05 UTC
this was such a lovely gasp of air while I'm drowning in all these terrible Stereks at A03. all of my Stony subscriptions are starting to be ferreted out for adoption and it is so nice to read something lush and involved and COMPLETE.

also Darcy is HBIC of fandom, sideways cone butt. sideways cone butt. sideways cone butt. lol.


devildoll December 1 2012, 12:00:52 UTC
Heeheehee! Thank you! Happy to have tossed you a life preserver. <3 <3 (<-- HAHA)


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