Alternate Title: Russ Meyer's Supervixens
Alternate Title: SuperVixens Eruption
Alternate Title: Vixens
IMDB rating: 6.1
My rating: 3 stars
Nudity: High
Violence: Medium
Foul Language: High
Deliberate Comedy: Low
Accidental Comedy: Medium
Effects: Low
Year: 1975
Normally well beyond my price range, I received this and several other similar movies for Christmas. OK, to be fair, I used a gift certificate for them - no one actually chose them for me.
This is a typical Russ Meyer movie, basically white trash soap opera and soft porn, with girls with enormous assets. The story revolves around Clint, who works at a gas station for an ex-nazi and has marital problems with Angel, who accuses him of cheating because he won't drop everything at any moments notice and return home to sex her up. Clint & Angel have a big fight, and the neighbor calls the cops, thinking Clint is going to kill her (actually closer to the other way around). Cop comes and knocks Clint out, spends some time threatening him, and lets him go. Clint & Angel have another big fight where he leaves her. She invites cop over to sex her up, he can't get it up, so they have a big fight ending in her death and the burning of the house.
Clint is obviously high on the suspect list, so the kindly nazi lends him money and he takes off. What then follows is a series of Americanized Benny Hill-like skits, with large breasted women chasing after a puzzlingly reluctant Clint. Finally he ends up at Supervixens, a gas station/diner owned by another large breasted woman where he begins to remake his life. The cop from the beginning, having apparently chased him down to here, finally shows up and there to extract revenge for, umm, something I guess. Maybe just because he's a bastard. He kidnaps Supervixen, tortures her, and throws dynamite at Clint, as well as shoots him and throws a knife at his leg, leaving him unconscious but alive. He then puts dynamite on the two lovers, and wanders off, only to have the dynamite prove to be a dud. Of course, actually once he takes the dynamite back it blows him up instead. The next scene Clint and Supervixen are once again naked and frolicking, so I guess they survived somehow all the blood loss and her being tied down in the middle of the desert. The End.