Alternate Title: Confessions of a Sexy Supervixen
Alternate Title: The Lust Seekers
IMDB rating: 6.0
My rating: 3 stars
Nudity: High
Violence: Low
Foul Language: Medium
Deliberate Comedy: Low
Accidental Comedy: High
Effects: Low
Year: 1967
Imagine, if you will, a John Waters movie, re-worked and directed by Ed Wood. This is what I was subjected to last night. Proof once again that some actors will take literally any work available. If I did not find this particular type of movie intrinsically hilarious, I couldn't have sat through it. This movie is the third of a box set I actually got by mistake (the first two already reviewed) - I ordered one RM movie and got this unrelated RM box set instead.
The movie opens immediately (no previews or even a DVD menu) with a well endowed naked woman running through the brushland and a narrator saying "How would you define nymphomania?", so that sets the appropriate tone right off the bat. The first 10 minutes or so is completely narrated, introducing all of the main characters and calling them tramps. Then the "plot" begins.
The plot is pretty minimal, and typical for a RM movie. Semi-wealthy elderly man has hot nymphomaniac bitch wife. She sleeps with everyone in town except for him. He wanders into the woods and finds mystical partially nude witch who gives him a potion that gives him balls for a change, so he goes back and satisfies his wife. There were a few other characters in there also, but big deal.
Another weird thing: The start of the movie was full of nudity, so much so that I was almost just gonna label this soft-porn and forget about it, but somewhere along the middle someone must've stepped in and stopped that because even the actresses who were nude previously kept being covered with sheets
Lesson learned from this movie: a girl can be a size 8 and a D-cup and still be considered "skinny" (at least in a RM movie).