IMDB rating: 6.1
My rating: 2 stars
Nudity: Low
Violence: Low
Foul Language: Low
Deliberate Comedy: Low
Accidental Comedy: Medium
Effects: Low
Year: 1964
The last of my Russ Meyer movies, and I must say I won't really miss them. This one was a tedious little melodrama, enlivened only by the inexplicably invisible narrator/preacher that appeared occasionally and the nude scenes which were shot as if they were mistakes for the most part.
The story, such as it was, involved Lorna, played by an actress named Lorna, who was saddled with a lame weenie husband who left her unfulfilled living in a riverside shack with apparently no electricity or running water, or even apparently underwear. You could tell immediately that her husband was meant to be a weenie because he said he loved Lorna before having sex with her, unlike the other men in the movie who tended to rape and/or beat up the women.
Lorna's life gets a little exciting when she gets raped by an escaped convict, and falls in love with him in the process. Her husband comes home early when he realizes its their first anniversary, finds the convict and in the ensuing melee the convict and Lorna get killed. The end. Really. Nothing else really happened.