Yay! I got this done! Now I'll go pack
For Kurohyou
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. I would call you...Trogdor!!! The Burnanator! He he, ok, but really, you are kinda like that. Your got a way of being right in the thick of it and having fun. I guess I’d call you Fundor! The Gleeanator!
2. Am I loveable? Oh yeah! An all consuming loveable. The kind that dosnt judge and simply accepts.
3. How long have you known me? I met you after I met Superelectra but at the same activities carnival. You were the one in charge of the anime club.
4. When and how did we first meet? Yeah, at the carnival. I came to talk to you about the club.
5. What was your first impression? My first impression was like, wow! She knows so much about anime. But she doesn’t seem very old. She sure is smart! I hope we can be friends. It was right when I was first starting collage and I didn’t have many friends there. When I met you, it seemed as if I had found a person who could become a great friend.
6. Do you still think that way about me now? Yes, even more so. You ARE a great friend. You’re a person I could talk to about any thing. You’re intelligent, and quick and funny. You’re always there to be a supporting shoulder.
7. What do you think my weakness is? It’s probably your tendency to zone in public. Its not really anything you can help, I guess you do it unconsciously, I just think it might get you into trouble one of these days.
8. Do you think I'll get married? Yeah, if the right person came around. You’re such a good person, I think you deserve high standards. Not just anyone is going to float your boat. I think it’s a rare person who can keep you interested.
9. What makes me happy? Anime. A good smut fic. Good music for your differing moods. Rice makes you happy. So does garlic, which I can agree with you on that. Oh, and a really good RP game. Like FF or Lunar.
10. What makes me sad? You get sad to see your loved ones around you in pain, be it physical or emotional. You’re a very caring person, you are definitely in tune with the people you care about.
11. What reminds you of me? Well, Caligula for one, but that’s just because that movie was so weird it stuck in my psyche. But also, any form of anime or manga. When ever I see something new I always think, I wonder what K-chan would think of this? Has she seen it before? Maybe I should ask before spending my money. Yeah, I see you as my insurance of good anime. Lol
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? Hmmm, every playstation game you ever wanted. And a million dollars so you didn’t have to worry aobut anything and could just do what you want. I just want to give you whatever makes you happy.
13. How well do you know me? Pretty well, I suppose. But one can always learn more about people, even if they know them pretty well as it is. But unlike most people, I look forward to learning more about you.
14. When's the last time you saw me? Wendsday, but I should see you soon! Yay!!
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Nah, I can talk to you about anything. Hell, if I can sit with you and E-kami through Caligula and not feel uncomfortable then I can confide anything.
16. Do you think I could kill someone? Hmmm, if pushed yes. But your not that very confrontational unless push to your limit. But then, watch out! Get out of the way, K-samas coming through!
17. Who would play me in a movie? Oh, I’m not good at this. I would say...Lina Inverse. Your spunky like her. And you follow your goals with as much fever. Your dependable like her, and your smart and crafty like her.
18. What book or movie character would be my best arch nemesis? Mayo! From the last Fushigi Yugi OVA. Errrrr! What a bitch! I think you would give that hoe the smack down proper!
19. Describe me in one word. Potential. You are so full of potential, I’m surprised it dosent come shooting out your ears!
20. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? Oh, stronger by the minute. Every time I come over I find new reasons to like you guys! You are a huge blessing on my life!
21. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? Yes, and I do tend to come to you with subjects that I couldn’t approach anyone else with.
22. Are you going to put this on your live journal and see what I say about you? Oh yeah, baby, that’s my next step!