(no subject)

Jan 19, 2005 14:14

1. I'm officially starting a petition to Aaron Karo about his ass sucking. If you'd like to be included, let me know.
2. Last night frisbee was SO amazing. Suuuuch a great game. Mm, LOVED it. I made THE sickest catch of my life. I had to run like 1/2 of the length of the field and once I was in the endzone I had to stretch out my left (I'm right-handed) arm and I caught it on the tip of two fingers. It.was.awesome. Eric and Audi left before me and when I got back they were waiting for me in Eric's car and wanted to see if I wanted to go to Taco C. Umm, OF COURSE! It was SO good. I was going to order first and the gangsta Mexican guy working there yelled at Eric and Audi to pay for me. "She is a laaaady!" Good times. I came back and showered and then Audi asked me to come over. I go over there and he just wanted me to snuggle with him in his bed. Cutest thing ever. One day we'll take pics and you can all have proof that the boy actually exists..
3. Had Italian + Texas Politics today. The former will be fine because Molly (my professor) loves me and it's easy. The latter will just suck ass but Kathryn and my favorite person to make fun of is our SI AGAIN! He was our SI for Politics last sem. Sweet.

As usual, here are some random things I've been ruminating about lately...
-What's with people who have cell phones that make so much noise when they're putting it on silent?
-Also, why is it so hard for people to, A. Remember to put their phone on silent in class, and, B. Actually get to the silent button once it's ringing in the middle of class?
-Have any of you seen the new Iowa state quarter? What the fuck is that about and who the fuck is this "Grant Wood"? "Foundation in Education"? What, they think they can put on their quarter just because there's that annoying as hell standardized test named for their lameass state?
-Why does every eligible Jewish boy that is perfect for me live hundreds of miles away? -Can Snoop Dogg ever have a song without mentioning weed?
-Who else is creeped out every time they see that Bush/Clinton commercial for Tsunami relief? I wonder what it was like for GHWB to sit there next to the guy who kicked his ass.
-Why can't you ever just have all great professors? There's always one that's anal or annoying or hella boring.

This is always my favorite news story of the year. It's a guy who goes to Poe's grave in the middle of the night every year (for 56 years..well in 1993 his sons started doing it) on Poe's birthday to "toast" him. The best part is he's anonymous, no one knows who he is. I love it. So great. Poe would love it. Check it out, fools.
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