Playlist meme From Beth Via Adiva

Dec 14, 2005 19:44

How many songs? 1798

Sort by artist:

First Artist -- 5F_55 Or Acoustic Alchemy if you want just letters.
Last Artist -- XTC which came from god knows where, and I don't know what it is. Wumpscut is the last one I recognize.

Sort by song title:

First song -- 4'16 d or à' polyvalente
Last song -- Zombie And with honourable mention, Ziggy Stardust

Sort by time:

First song -- Her Majesty- The beatles 23 seconds.
Last song -- Tommy as full album. Longest song: Bob Marley- No Woman No Cry 28:30

Sort by album:

First album -- 12 Grandes Chansons Or A Farewell to Kings
Last album -- Xtort
Full Albums first and last -- Tommy and The renaissance masters searies, Hernan Ca

First Song on Shuffle: ZOMG so, well It saved some of the voice posts and NNY's Manuel post was the one chosen at random... to be the first on shuffle, so there you have it. First song, embarrassingly enough, is bryan adams, rod steward, and sting's All For Love. Yeah, that Musketeers movie song. SHOOT ME.

How many songs come up when you search for "sex"?
2 - A fairytaile about slavery, which i dont know that I have ever heard... And sexy data tango.

How many songs come up when you search for "death"?
4 - Black death, Whumpscut - Death by moonlight, Rhea's Obsession - Slow death, Webb Wilder - and O death, Soggy bottom boys.

How many songs come up when you search for "love"?
34 - I aint namin them all.

How many songs come up when you search for "fuck"?
None. *Relieved*
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