Alright...It's 2 AM. I should be sleeping. I'm not. Let's get this over with.
So, the roomie and I are looking for an apartment. Living on campus is becoming utterly ridiculous, both in terms of money and in terms of space. We think we have a place, so we're going to be in 'GET. IT. DONE.' mode starting tomorrow.
I went to a concert recently. Epica, for those that care. Absolutely wonderful people and an amazing show. Definitely one of the best I've been to.
I'm about two seconds from tearing my hair out, thanks to the English department here. One of my professors told me they'd be putting up new scholarships and that he'd have no problem writing me a reccomendation. I've checked the page they told me to check and, yes, there are scholarship applications there....To be turned in no later than March 23....Of 2009. Yay.
As far as that fanmix I've been tinkering with goes, songs are done. It's LONG. As in around 30 songs long. My roomie is being absolutely lovely with the photoshop and so far we have two EPs finalized with simple but pleasant Album covers. I've been coding entries for the mix for about a week now. Just waiting on the covers for the full-length disc and then it should be up. Fun times.
Now for the really fun part. I've been scribbling. Well I'm always scribbling, but nevermind. I've got three stories in the works right now, one is essentially finished (tentatively titled 'Possession'), one is in the handwritten stage, the other is turning into historical fiction (tentatively titled Hexenjagd). I figured I'd offer a peek at what I'm doing, so, here are snippets of the first and third.
He was addicted to her: her graceful movements, her bright eyes, her gentle voice. He wondered: how loud would her voice be, how clouded would her eyes be, how erratic would her movements be as she writhed beneath him. He could imagine it, hear it, feel it and the imaginng was so deliciously sinful that it made him want her all the more.
Again, I must stress how uneasy this situation has made me. You have told me that they have long since sent the midwives to their deaths, and granted, when I first heard the mutterings I suspected they would. But now they turn to the wealthy? The clergy?
Even if their intention was to do the Lord’s work, it has long since turned from that. You see this, I know you must. It has become madness, thirst for blood; it can no longer be otherwise.
And, because I am one lazy bitch, I'll close this out by doing what I should have done, oh, months ago. Megs, I'm gonna put Still Frame in here...Enjoy. Ask if you don't understand.
Still Frame:
The door slid open. He slipped in, gun drawn and at the ready, eyes set, mask in place.
The after-prayer whisper of his name escaped her lips, loud enough to echo in his mind. Her eyes flicked to the metal in his hand.
He braced himself for searing heat and blinding pain. Instead, the cool water of her innocent confusion flowed over him.
He was talking then, admitting a disobedience, a weakness that he couldn’t have borne telling any other.
The letter found his hand: an old priest’s last In paradisum wrapped in purity, sorrow, and blood.
She took it cautiously, devoured its words greedily.
The world froze. His heartbeat crawled to a stop and he watched her gorge on the words.
Her grip on the paper tightened: blue patchwork and white bone under translucent skin.
His own hand clenched in response, trigger finger awaiting a verdict.
Her eyes stilled.
‘Mea culpa,’ the weathered hand had written. ‘Mea maxima culpa. Carissima, forgive me.’
Verdant eyes slipped closed. Slender hands pulled the writing’s spectral author close. Cradling? Or crushing? A head swathed in gold bent towards a cloth of black. Slightly flared nostrils tasted the scent of stained paper.
Agonizingly slowly, her neck straightened: red blood pounding in blue veins behind white skin.
Her eyes opened, impossible emeralds.
He didn’t see them, his own eyes fixed on the crystal drop trembling at the very tip of her chin.
Liquid salt lost its hold and fell.
Verdict reached.
The universe breathed again.