(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 12:01


and I'm hating work right now on this was super happy friday so what better to kill 10 min then fill out this

Two Names You Go By:
Jess and JP

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
Irish and German

Two Things That Scare You:
Not having some sort of control and midgets

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
3rd grade soccer shirt and my new hot cords

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:
Garbage and Ladytron

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
EXCELLENT Communication, humor and a sense of independence on both sides (I had to pick 3 because my last one lacked all three)

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You:
Great eyes (lashes, brows and actual eyes) and hot hair

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
Rowing and traveling (starting up the former after Europe!)

Two Things You Want Really Badly:
To fit back into my HOT diesel jeans and about 7 other pairs of pants and to become a morning person

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
Italy and Spain

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
Travel the world and find my true love

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now:
snowboarding this weekend (crosses her fingers - don't be icey you bitch of mountains) and about her but nothing really in general - she's just sorta popped into my head a few times today.

Two people you haven't talked to in a while:
Erika and James

Two favorite web sites:
LJ and WebMD

Two Favorite Sports:
Rowing and snowboarding (even though I'm not very good at snowboarding yet)

Two things you did last night:
Went out to dinner w/ J and Amy and RELAXED

Two shows you like to watch:
CSI and more CSI

Two places you like to go to:
Anywhere SoCal and Frisco

Two Favorite People:
Jasmaine and Tamme

Two Favorite Places to eat:
Rolls and Rolls and Alibi Room

Two People that live in your house:
Me and J

Two things you like about yourself (physical):
Eyes and my awesome rack! ha

Two things you ate today:
ummmm - detox tea and my second plan b pill? ha

Two people you last talked to:
J and Nichole

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
possibly going snowboarding and running 5 miles w/ the team around marymoor
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