Jun 03, 2004 17:39
Type your username with your:
nose: eevilsfromabovvvvvve (dude my keys smell weird D:)
elbow: devilsfromabove (hah i did it perfectly)
tongue: devilsfromabove (that was ew)
chin: devilsfr45omab ov ed "(damn space bar)
foot: de4gvfi9lpsfrfolma boved (D: dude its there but really spaced out)
eyes closed: devilsfromabove (woot)
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Comments 7
elbow: driftwo0d (WOOT! like a glove!)
tongue:i refuse to do that after smelling the keys and knowing who has laid their dirty fingers upon this keyboard
chin: cxdfrdfitwoo90cdf (son of a)
foot: with my fatty feet! ha! dsxreuifrdtrwqo09d (all of the letters are in there somewhere)
eyes closed: driftwo0d (score!)
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