I'm slowly losing my memory. So.
Canon teammates/rivals (in camp)
Sakuraba - Idol
Suzuna - Skates
Friends Interesting
Kairi - Doll
Katou - Smokes
Dee - Counsellor
Harley - Clown
Mika - Uh. I think it was Angel...?
Sorta okay with
Setsuna - correct me if I'm wrong, Wings?
Rabi - Red
K - Well. K.
Pell - Braid
Makino - Bangs
Akira - Earring
Riku - Silver
Elizabeth - KOSMOS
Kon - Superhero
Must bug more for laughs
Domyoji - Frizzhead
Asano - Shivers
Tsuna - Tuna
Bikky - Kid, for now
Peter (Petrelli) - Droopy-eyes
Kira (Gundam Seed) - Kira [previous]
Yuta - Punk
Roxy - Pink
Rui - Pretty boy
Sora (KH) - Shoes
Shinn - Shinn, but may change to Tsuntsun
Hit me up if I miss anything!