Dj looks like a messed up oompa loompa
He's a cool kid
He's fun to poke
Owes me 14.50 haha. Look at the one legged ghost person behind him!
Shhhhhhh... She's tripping....
She's funny, I like her lol
Goofy kid right there
He is sleeping... On a purse.
Refused to let me take a picture of her.
Is now TALLER THAN I AM!! I don't like it... lol
Cool kiddos
AWESOME!! She's cool lol
He looks like he's concentrating real hard.
Not the brightest crayon in the box, but cool as hell.
She's cool, I remember drinking with her over the summer.
Future roomate in FLORIDA!!!
From when he actually talked, I think he's a cool kid
He didn't know I took this picture. HAHA.