pictures got messed up/ switched around and im too lazy to move them.
the bay
driving/arriving in ocean city maryland
hello morning three mile runs at 7am.
what i looked at for hours on the beach. my legs. and diary.
erics mirror picture.
where we eat every year.
this is what kept me alive. and i've officially become addicted to it.
bahah. this was for mark. / it was outside the theater where i saw snakes on a plane.
erics niiiice tattoo. yeah man.
cj; this is where my mom tried to get you something =]
1000 (and 26) piece puzzle that was completed in two days by my aunt, eric, and me.
rainy hurricane/tropical storm weather means tons of movie watching
after the storm that night. sand alll over.
neighbors siding that came off / was wayyyy loud and scared the whole house.
take two./ it was sooo windy.
down below our level was full of sand as well.
my buddy for the ride home.
thomas is my new bird friend. he's great. he likes to listen to music, and watch tv, and play with his bell in his cage. he's actuallly really quiet which is nice. =]