Title: Together Author: DevjaCaiora Pairing: JunChun Length: Oneshot Genre: angst, drama Rating: PG Warning: Fail ? lol Beta : susuie =D Summary: When Yoochun got a accident... Junsu want to do everything for his lover... ( Yoochun and Junsu for ever )
that was unexpected. i thought it was just a regular romantic story of a person sacrificing for his lover. so that was why i found it a bit unsettling that despite yoochun's condition, junsu seemed to revel on it and was not a bit upset. i was also caught by surprise that there's a big twist at the end. the story was nice though it could have used a little more build up before the revelation.
anyway, just wondering why junsu had to kill yoochun and himself when there's still a chance for him to escape.
I was affraid that if I write to much everybody gonna found out to soon that Junsu wasn't Chun lover but a crazy fan TT_TT
when he found out that they found the driver, he was scare that at the moment they know that the driver was kill the day Chun got out they gonna know that something was wrong...
I didn't said nothing about the car but... since it's chun car... big chance that they can track it...
waaaaaah....okay i was a bit confused at first so i have to pause and figure the bits of info at the bottom...i agree the ending was scary..hahahahaha! and dang it..i was reading it smoothly until the part where i realized that Junsu was the bad guy!
Comments 27
anyway, just wondering why junsu had to kill yoochun and himself when there's still a chance for him to escape.
I was affraid that if I write to much everybody gonna found out to soon that Junsu wasn't Chun lover but a crazy fan TT_TT
when he found out that they found the driver, he was scare that at the moment they know that the driver was kill the day Chun got out they gonna know that something was wrong...
I didn't said nothing about the car but... since it's chun car... big chance that they can track it...
nice ending...even it is scary
really? =D
thanks for reading =D
Su the bad crazy guy =D
but at the end I was surprise..
maybe su, you just don't do it..
but I know love is blind right? :)
I wrote him like if he was a sasaeng ( or saseang? lol ) except he was a little bit to crazy =D
he's kinda creepy lol
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