I just got a call from my doctor’s office telling me that weight management is not covered by my current insurance, so I guess I am really on my own now. I will look into it more myself when I get the chance, but I am also assuming this means that surgery would not be covered either.
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Comments 5
I also realised that I'm not on any medical insurance, I can't depend on my son who is doing his own thing and living his life..I had to take control. Hopefully this will spark some hope!
good luck 'kay?
I am definitely an emotional eater, and I have some serious compulsive issues and binge eating too. Just this week I noticed that I have bought three times the amount of candy that I usually buy. I'm not even eating it, it's just piling up in my drawers and cupboards, but having it around obviously makes it easier to eat improperly, and compulsive buying is clearly part of the problem.
I tried to address this in personal therapy the last few years by dealing with my underlying unhappiness, but it didn't take and I stopped going last year because I was just tired of the commute and the personal work.
I need to get back into therapy anyways, as I just realized yesterday that I'm actually suffering from PTSD.
Keep us apprised of what you are investigating and trying.
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