Title: Supernatural Icons
Author: devlin_dream (me)
Character(s): Many Castiel, Dean, Sam, Crowley
Icons: 23
Spoilers: 5x21, 5x22 (season finale)
There is no spoiler-free sample icons.
This week, my style seems to be leaning to curved, instead of straight squares. If the curved squares aren't looking that great, let me know, and I'll go back to straight squares.
There is no GIF icons, again. There just aren't any great (humorous) scenes to animate. If you think there is one, suggest one and I'll see to it. Now, the fifth season's over... Can't wait for the DVD release! Gag reels, gag reels, gag reels.
Thank you for your praises / feedback / comments on my previous icon batches! I appreciate them a lot, a lot.
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