whatever we are so in a fight...

Sep 01, 2004 22:58

mr. bentley hung up on me because yes i did say something not so nice but he should have known i was kidding. and since when did mr. bentley become so sensitive?

well now i am angry because he so hung up on me. he knows how i feel about being hung up on.

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Comments 9

mr_bentley September 1 2004, 22:13:36 UTC
Did you ever stop and think that maybe me being without a job is a sensitive subject. And what you said hurt my feelings


and the number of time.... devoesque September 2 2004, 03:43:42 UTC
and the continues things you say everyday i come home from work about certain people makes me upset to. and i have told you many times. yet you keep saying it. even though you are kidding it really puts me in a bad mood and you know this. and yet you keep on....

i apologize for hurting your feelings i know it's a sensitive subject but lately you just have to lighten up a bit more. because your teasing has become vicious and when someone tries to tease you back you get angry and that isn't fair.


Re: and the number of time.... mr_bentley September 2 2004, 09:36:34 UTC
The sort of teasing I do is "maribel and so and so sittin in a tree" type of teasing. You went somehwere completely different.


Re: and the number of time.... mr_bentley September 2 2004, 09:38:08 UTC
and if you want to continue talking about this lets not do it on live journal


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