finally an update....

Sep 30, 2004 11:43

well i have been busy as of late. not only with my new and old friends, which have now officially combined to form the supergroup of friends. but with someone else whom i have been spending large amounts of time with. however jonny is included in the supergroup so it's not as if i never see my friends at all ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

morrisseydork September 30 2004, 09:06:02 UTC
Corky got some booty.


as a matter of fact... devoesque September 30 2004, 13:28:21 UTC
as a matter of fact she did. and some damn good booty to!


mr_bentley September 30 2004, 11:29:15 UTC
I look forward to seeing you friday. We all will do a cheers with our drinks and you owe me a Booty dance!


it's long over due! devoesque September 30 2004, 13:30:03 UTC
i would love to do a cheers with our drinks but perhaps i will do a cheers with water b/c i am poor and cant afford a drink right now. i will certainly booty dance with you! you are my dancing partner THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE!!!!


anxietywild October 14 2004, 11:36:20 UTC
heyyy this is stephen's sister Laurel, i am adding you to my friends list. you can add me back if ya want!



devoesque October 30 2004, 12:01:31 UTC
i added you a while back sorry it took me so long but i have been really busy as of late. by the way hope you had as much fun on jonny's bed as i do! ;-)


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