Thankies! Sweet sixteen, as they say. Mutti was rambling on about how her 16th was best year of her life. Seeing as I've been around sinnce her 35th I feel quite insulted.
Heee! Here in *lovely* Singapore, you can legally have sex, get married without parental consent, and watch an NC-16 movie. You cannot, however, smoke, drink or watch an R (A) movie. At this point we all wonder at the logistics of law.
An unholy life in hell. I kid you not. It's incredibly safe and incredibly clean but extremely strict. You'll get fined a fortune for smoking, picking flowers, spitting, etc... and gum is illegal. On top of that, the authorities are some of the best trained in the world, and therefore it's almost impossible to get away with anything. You'd be surprised that the sumber of teenagers who've been chucked in jail for a month or so for attempting to buy cigarettes, smoking, attempt to buy booze, drinking, and clubbing. They make up something like 20% of short-term prisoners. a good thing though is that the drug crackdown is just amazing. You hang in posession of more than 20 grams of any drug, and anyless is life in jail. you hang for smuggling and in some schools they have obligatory drug testing - mine included.
Comments 22
When's your birthday?
I'll be 16 next year. heh.
Got quite depressive yesterday actually. V.anticlimatic.
how did you stumble across it?
On top of that, the authorities are some of the best trained in the world, and therefore it's almost impossible to get away with anything. You'd be surprised that the sumber of teenagers who've been chucked in jail for a month or so for attempting to buy cigarettes, smoking, attempt to buy booze, drinking, and clubbing. They make up something like 20% of short-term prisoners.
a good thing though is that the drug crackdown is just amazing. You hang in posession of more than 20 grams of any drug, and anyless is life in jail. you hang for smuggling and in some schools they have obligatory drug testing - mine included.
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