1) If you could name yourself what would your name be? Kyra
2) Favorite Day of the year: I tend to like October 31st a lot. I used to like my birthday.
3) Favorite Day of the week: Friday
4) Favorite Color: Black or Red
5) Song that describes how you feel about your life: "You", by Amy Lee
6) The person that you hate the most: Danielle Woolhead, Minty- the tryhard guys in my old photography class
7) Favorite Word: eternal, for some reason
8) 3 qualities in a person that you find attractive: open-minded, sense of humour, ethereality
9) Most Annoying Celebrity that you wish would go away: Britney Spears, Cheeky Girls, Madonna, Avril Lavigne. Yes, I count them as one person
10) The song that makes you turn off the radio every time you hear it: One word: POP
11) If you could be anyone or anything, what would you be? Acting for a living. I don't care if I'm ill-reputed or unpaid, I just want to act.
12) What is the stupidest thing you have ever said? Letting it slip to a friend that people told me they thought she was a slag
13) One thing you like about yourself: Eyes
14) Favorite thing to wear: My Archaic Smile T-Shirts
15) You can listen to any kind of music but: Techno, useless ballads, POP
16) Most memorable year in your life: This one?
17) The thing that annoys you the most: Homophobia, racism, sexism, ill-respect of others beliefs or tastes. Yes they do count as one because they are all equally blatantly STUPID and ARROGANT
18) A band that has no business making CDs: POP
19) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Only one? Lord, you've got to be joking.
20) If you could have anything right now, what would it be? Clothes. Don't ask
21) Longest relationship: Critically speaking, four months. But according to him, over a year.
22) Does true love last forever? Depends if you think it's true
23) What's in your car? The roll of film from formal, only that's in parents car
24) About how many CD's do you own? Not many, I have v.select music taste
25) If you were to kill yourself, how would you do it? Bullet to the head, or by blood
26) What would you do for a thousand dollars? A thousand? God knows. Anything you asked me to as long as it didn't require my removing many items of clothing.
27) One word to describe yourself: "Unusual"
28) Favorite Food: Cherry/Strawberry chocolate
29) One person you wish you could have sex with: Does it really matter that much?
30) Three things you fear the most: Pain, my parents, money
31) Movie that you could watch a hundred times: Interview with a vampire, Virgin Suicides, Moulin Rouge
32) Emotion to describe the way you feel about life: Ambitious
33) Random Word: euphemism
34) How many times have you fallen in love? Once, and that is sealed
35) How many relationships have you ended? Two. BADLY. Sodding stalkers
36) Stereotypes people make about you: V.strange
37) Would you rather talk about someone behind their back or to their face? Neither. I hate talking about people with knowledge that I will hurt them, strangely enough.
38) If you could eliminate one thing wrong with the world, what would it be? Intollerance
39) Piercings? 7
40) If you could runaway right now, where would you go? East England, aka the Moorlands. Possibly the most gorgeous planes in the world
41) Favorite place to shop: Far East
42) People who don't understand you: Practically everyone.
43) Would you rather be different or like everyone else? Different.
45) Favorite toy you had when you were younger: I played with people more than I played with toys, so I wouldn't know.
46) If your life were a CD, what would be the title of it? Breakit
47) Something you can't understand no matter how hard you try to: Some geometry, the Bosnian crisis, Bartholemew's gathering
48) If you could take a picture of something right now, what would it be? Well I'd love to get pictures from formal back. But no. Other than that, I'd love a picture of what the Harry Potter kids do in their spare time.
49) Favorite website: None?
50) One thing you shouldn't do, but do it anyways: Smoke
[ easy stuff ]
1) Your Name: Jeanne-Claire. Everyone shut up
2) Your DJ/LJ User Name: devorabee
3) Story Behind ^above^ User Name: It's the logo on one of my favorite t-shirts
4) Nicknames/Who Gave Them To You: All of them? Jeannette (Manora), JC (grade six in an english school where no one could pronounce my name), Jason (Bi), Jays (Za, Cheryl, Shareen), Maz (Linds), la petite nine (my mamie), 'ma puce' (Ben)
5) Age: 16
6) Birthday: May 26th
7) Siblings: None
8) Hair Color: Brown
[ interesting questions ]
10) Would You Fuck A Dead Chicken?: You're serious aren't you?
11) Whats The Latest You've Ever Stayed Up?: 79 hours with Ben. Was bril. And no, we didn't do anything you might think we did in 79 hours
12) Who's Your Worst Enemy?: COSKINAS
13) Can You Say The Alphabet Backwards?: I can hardly say the alphabet as it is. So no.
14) Do You Act Your Age?: In some ways, yes. In some ways, no.
15) What CD Is In Your CD Player Right Now?: Slipknot
16) Do You Want A Tattoo? If So, What Do You Want?: The silhouette of a doxy or fairy on my back.
17) What Are You Wearing?: Black
18) Who Do You Love?: No-one, but I think I may love someone
19) Are There Secret Messages In Songs?: In POP? no. In Alternative? definately
[ Do You Beleive In ____? ]
20) Magic: Magic? no. Magick? yes. Very definately, yes.
21) God: Still arguing
22) Love At First Sight: No
23) Yourself: Depends.
24) Overcoming Obstacles: Yes
25) Setting Goals: Yes
26) A Master Plan: Still arguing. I believe in an ambiguous course, but not in a definate one
27) Sex Ed Classes In Highschool: V. definately. I'm still amazed that those stupid baby simulations things have put 43% of English schoolgirls off unprotected sex.
28) Having Morals and Values: Yes
29) Saying "I Love You" When You Don't Really Mean It: No
[ This -or- That ]
30) Eminem -or- ICP?: Eminem.
31) Britney -or- J. Lo?: J.Lo
32) Gold -or- Silver?: Silver
33) Night -or- Day?: Night
34) Thong -or- Underwear?: doesn't matter to me
35) Boxers -or- Breifs?: boxers.
36) Teletubbies -or- Barney?: Neither.
37) Short -or- Tall? short on girls. Tall on guys
38) Very Underweight -or- Slightly Overweight? Depends by what means you find yourself with that weight
39) Freezing To Death -or- Burning To Death? freezing. I have my reasons.
[ first thing that comes to mind ]
40) Milk: Lactose Intolerant
41) Whack: Laurel and Hardy. Sorry
42) Biting: Claudia. Sorry
43) Rubber: *grins*
44) Dog: EBONY
45) Peter: Rupert Grint
46) Horny: FRUFRU's DEAN!
47) Monkey: Ross
48) Safety: Cheryl's house
49) Contract: Michael! *claps*
[ would you ever ____ for a million dollars? ]
50) Eat A Live Spider?: Sure
51) Walk Into A Movie Theatre Butt-Naked?: Nowayinlivinghell
52) Stand Up In Your Highschool Cafeteria and Yell "IM GAY AND I WANT TO MARRY *insert name of member of the same sex that everyone knows*"?: HAHAHAHAHHAHA
53) Pretend To Be Someone's Friend For A Day?: Yes
54) Have Sex With Someone You Hate?: I don't think so.
55) Walk Around In A Spiderman Costume For The Rest Of Your Life?: Nope.
56) Never Eat Peanuts Again?: Sure!
57) Walk On Your Hands And Knees For The Rest Of Your Life?: no
58) Screw A Farm Animal? WHAT?
59) Go On National TV And Propose To Someone You've Never Met?: Er.....*stares*
[ s. e. x. ]
60) Have You Had Sex? Nup
61) Are You Against Premarital Sex?: Don't care
62) Are You Open With Your Parents About Your Sex Life?: You've got to be joking. No. But I hear they are in holland
63) Have You Ever Questioned Your Sexual Orientation?: Once, but I got over that VEEEEERY quickly.
64) Do You Think The Media Is Sex Centered?: Don't care
65) Would You Have A One-Night-Stand?: Depends how comfortable I felt with it
66) Do Guys Have An XX or XY Chromosome Pair?: XY
67) Are People Who Abstain From Sex Looked Up To Or Down Upon As People?: Looked on as equals I reckon
68) Is Sex About Love Or Is It Purely Physical?: Depends on the people doesn't it
69) <-- Do You Know What That Means?: *sighs* yes. *sarcastic cheer*
[ name 4 of the following ]
70) Things Around You:
/) Jean-Paul Sartre play book
/)handphone (NO FUCKING CREDIT)
/)CD covers (want a case)
/)Royal Halloway prospectus
71) Good Things About Yourself:
1) can laugh about self
2) 'different'
3) passionate about acting
4) I dare to dream
72) Bad Things About Yourself:
1) inconsistent with work
2) unorganised
3) lazy and procrastinative
4) pessimistic/optimistic. I can be both and both annoy me equally
73) Of Your Favorite Songs (And Your Favorite Line From The Song):
Evanescence-Anywhere " Here my love,haven't you wanted to be free/ I can't keep pretending I don't even know you/ At sweet night, you are my own/ Take my hand and be with me tonight/ There's no need to tell anyone, they'll only hold us down"
Kittie-Paperdoll "Watch the blood run down her face/ Please don't take notice/ Watch the blood run down her arms/ Please don't take notice/ Sweet release, the pain will take her whole/ Please don't take notice)
Emelia Rosselini-"There once was light/ Now darkness falls/ There once was love/Love is no more/ Don't say good-bye/ Don't say I didn't try/ These tears I cry/ Are fallen rain/ Take back the lies you told me/The hurt, the blame/ And we will weep/ To be so alone/ We are lost/ We can never go home/)
Evanescence - Hello "Playground school bell rings/ again/ Rainclouds come to play/ again/ has no one told you she's not breathing?/ Hello/ I'm your mind/ Giving you someone to talk to/"
74) Things To Do:
Hang out with friends
Play pool
75) Of Your Best Guy Friends:
76) Of Your Best Chick Friends:
77) Of Your Favorite Articles Of Clothing (pants, shirts, hats, underwear, etc.):
Black stuff
Burgundy black shirt
Formal dress *flounces*
My archaic smile T-shirts
78) Things In Your Wallet/Purse:
Three bucks
Pen + Paper
To do list
Lots, and lots of receipts
79) Things You Did Yesterday:
Yesterday? oh shit....don't remember. Today?
a) saw "The Gathering"
b) didn't buy credit
c) retunred some books
d)had dinner/lunch at bk
[ some of your *least* favorite things ]
80) About School (Or Work): Getting up early. Extreme stress levels
81) About Yourself: Hair, general personality, lots of things I don't want to go into, thanks.
82) About Other People: Animalistic tendencies. Impulse basically
83) About This Survey: TICKTOCK
84) About The World: too much reality
85) About Your Life So Far: no idea where it's leading. Disreality
86) About Kinky Sex: *cough* Does the word DESPERATE mean anything to you at this stage?
87) About Religion: Makes a lot of people arrogant about their own.
88) About The Law: The point that you can legally have sex when you're sixteen, get married without parental conscent at sixteen, get drunk, smoke, go to clubs, and access hardcore porn BUT we can't watch and RA movie. The law is STUPID
89) About How Nice People Get Screwed Over: Too naive. It's their own problem
[ last but not least ]
90) Name One Person That Has Seen You Cry: Frufru
91) Do You Use ICQ, AIM, MSN, Or Yahoo?: MSN
92) What Drink Do You Order If They Don't Have The Soda You Want?: *stares* er....anything else?
93) Who's The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone?: Telly
94) Do You Floss Your Teeth Often?: No
95) Would You Not Tell Your Best Friend's Parents That She Was Pregnant If She Told You To Keep It A Secret?: Yes. I know better than to get involved with other people's issues, and at my school, if anyone tells you they're pregnant, you shrug. I think this year alone there's been twelve pregnancy scares in our grade
96) Have You Been On TV?: Two or three times. Unfortunately, not professionally.
97) What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: Sea breeze. Shareen, I love you!
98) Whats Your Favorite Dryer Sheet Scent?: Green apple
99) Was This Survey Too Long, Too Short, Or Just Right?: FAR TOO LONG