
Jun 16, 2005 12:57

Last night was different ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

freakinacage June 17 2005, 04:57:13 UTC
hahaha im really glad u can see the maturity level of lauren now. she dont have one. i remmeber when me and her wne to a show the second i drove there and we got out she ran to this nasty guy and was like all over him all night and left me. and what made it worse is i had takein a shitload of corecedin and i was barfing everywhere and layin out in the open parking lot in the back of 5 points like passed out and she didnt care becuase she was with some guy. i dont see why u take her places when she does that shit to you every time. well im kind of talkin to you on aim now. lol so like palmer leaves for college on the 22nd so we can finally have hang out time sometimes becuase we wont have both our boyfriend to spend time with lol we only have to work arounf you and rockos schedual lol (idk if that makes any sence lol) neways uhhh im gonna go bye!


devotchkaddict June 17 2005, 14:55:35 UTC
yeah she pisses me off. i dont care about her though. we should spend some time together soon. probably shouldn't go to the beach...haha. unless you put on some sun screen. i dont have any more money. *sighs* so we can't really go shopping...idk we'll figure something out...ttyl. bye.


freakinacage June 18 2005, 17:56:12 UTC
ha yeah i get paid monday but it aont be very much. ill prob only get like $50 outta it. we should deffinityl hang out pretty soon. it sucks u dont have ur car for 2 weeks but its cool i still have mine lol so i can pick ya up sometime. neways yeah were deffinitly hanging out again. i vote negative on the beach ha neways ill talk to ya later -p out-


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