this coming saturday, 7:00 pm, at cafe netherworld, i will be celebrating the start of my 38th year of active duty on Earth. it would be a great pleasure to see my friends as well. (and FYI- neth is back under "old management", and i for one want to support eric).
so come one come all, say hello, and point and laugh at my old ass. :)
"And what's interesting about Akron is that-due to a variety of socioeconomic reasons-the community tends to spawn things that could not have come from anywhere else in America. The band Devo is one example. Jeffrey Dahmer is another."
-chuck klosterman, sex, drugs and cocoa puffs. a low culture manifesto
we turned colorado blue!! never in my life have i seen so much hope, so much energy and inspiration on the streets. people working so hard, people i've known for years as cynics being brought to tears
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have that unsettling, not-used-to-having an entire day off feeling. it is a very good day so far, but still have that unmet obligation feeling. hrmm
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