
Apr 11, 2006 16:07

Can't wait to be in michigan for a few days this weekend. hopefully we can start visiting more. Ideally we'd be out a couple times a month, hopefully i can actually stick to that idea this summer ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

haha twiztdspyrt April 11 2006, 23:26:21 UTC
You're thoughts may be random but never pointless.....think about that.


sassypugmama April 12 2006, 21:42:10 UTC
I was walking through campus on a warm day last week and I remembered you saying that warm weather improves your mood three fold.. And I laughed out loud because three fold is a funny saying.


dexterzero April 13 2006, 00:46:43 UTC
I <3 warm weather.

["current mood"]+=["current mood"]^3;


spoonerisms April 12 2006, 22:21:13 UTC

... )


eatyourcarrots April 13 2006, 00:44:12 UTC
How the hell does one get a sweater on a rabbit?


spoonerisms April 13 2006, 19:10:04 UTC
those wiley japanese really know how to outfit their pets.


twiztdspyrt April 14 2006, 02:21:04 UTC
that's more of a winter sweater if you ask me...that rabbit needs to read more InStyle magazine...


~brotha man..... cutie3point14 December 7 2006, 05:41:31 UTC
~i heard you were coming back to the big D. when are you coming? why are you coming? when can i see you? i miss jeff! i havent been online in two years this is awesome. call me if youd like my phone number never changed. ................hugs and kisses


theradmans November 29 2007, 23:10:24 UTC
you're watching FTW files, but you probably see nothing cause you're not a member, you have to join, not just watch.


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