stuff from today, and a commission from a while ago.
xpost from dA. Tried to do another something with an animated, storybook feel. (Inspired by
Peachifruit and
^ I don't really know how to make kawaii things like that while still having it look like it's been done by me :I More practise. But, hey-- what do you guys think?
[overdue] commission for Foxwell! So happy she liked it.
ahh, some doodles. One of the default brushes in CS5 handles the same way as the brush I used for drawing with in SAI, so I am very happy, seeing as SAI stopped recognising my tablet ages ago! Yeeeeee
something i got bored with
this isn't funny AT ALL JEEZE
okay... what else
oh, aaand a Veraface. If she looks like a Pokemon trainer, then I've done a good job.
Thanks for looking ;u;