You could make a lot of cash in tips if you started stripping. Of course, you would have to do lap dances and stuff, and that leads to even more humiliating practices, but at least you could afford an oxxasional waffle or two, and I fugure that almost makes it seem worthwhile.
We were there, but Coolfuser wasn't, and there were problems with the laptop, amd someone burnt all of the weiners.... but your music was played, and everyone seemed to enjoy it, expecially kracken who thought your music was some of the best stuff we played all night. I appologize for not allowing you to partake, but it really wasn't my fault, so don't smite me or anything. Just play dripping while burning weiners to a blackened crisp on a BBQ grill, and you will have some idea of what you missed. :-)
Comments 3
Of course, you would have to do lap dances and stuff, and that leads to even more humiliating practices, but at least you could afford an oxxasional waffle or two, and I fugure that almost makes it seem worthwhile.
I love waffles.
but your music was played, and everyone seemed to enjoy it, expecially
kracken who thought your music was some of the best stuff we played all night.
I appologize for not allowing you to partake, but it really wasn't my fault, so don't smite me or anything. Just play dripping while burning weiners to a blackened crisp on a BBQ grill, and you will have some idea of what you missed. :-)
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