I recently realized that there are a fair number of things that I think are totally awesome but never really want to see or hear again, largely through overexposure I guess. That is, any reference to them is more likely to make me roll my eyes and think "Not that again," rather than think "Oh yeah, I love that," even though I do.
My off-the-top-
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Comments 20
The big problem with Python and Hitchhiker is the 80/20 rule. 80% of the references reference 20% of the material.
I gross out easily, and there were a couple movies (e.g. "The Cook, The Thief..." ) that I was glad I saw but would never see again.
There are almost certainly huge swaths of the Beatles oeuvre that I roll my eyes at.
There's definitely some records that I've burned out. I limit my listenings of Ruby Vroom to a few a year now.
Interesting you mention this, I've been having the same exact feeling recently. For instance, I agree that Weird Al and Monty Python are in fact brilliant and funny and great. But I can't stand them. I might hurt myself fleeing them.
The Beatles come and go. For a couple of decades they were intolerable. Now I am mostly OK with most of the catalog most of the time. Any overdose might put them right out for another few years, though.
Yep, Spinal Tap should be on the list, but isn't. Luckily, I haven't heard your catalog too much. I hope you are never afflicted with unbridled success forcing you to sing "You're an organism" ever day for the next 20 years.
I actually have a song half-written called "Albatross" about having to play your one hit song every set, but it's basically fictional...
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