House Nemesis, Part 7

Jan 25, 2010 19:51

Guess what I had to eat today? Four pieces of toast, some tea, OJ and a rice cake. I want to die. Thanks.

TODAY: I am suddenly jealous that Sims can't get sick. Other than that have some culinary adventures.

Warnings: Image heavy, cartoon nudity (with in-game censoring!), and eventual slash.

I got sick of their ghetto house, so I did some remodeling and gave them a car. I may or may not have used a money cheat.  Check out the awesome back porch that they never use.

Brawl is the first one up (as usual), and therefore the first one to start using the new shit. He immediately burns the waffles in the oven.

Despite the fact that he's starving, he leaves the waffles behind. If even Brawl won't eat it....

Barricade: "It tastes like dying."

Brawl and Bonecrusher gossip about Blackout while he's standing right next to them. He is none too pleased.

Barricade left the oven open at work and caught himself on fire. He stayed like this all night, even after he played in the sprinkler.  The sprinkler, well, there's more on that later...

These two haven't had a spat in awhile. Let's hope it stays that way!

Blackout and Barricade jazz up to have lunch at Barricade's work, taking the l33t new truck.

Bonecrusher and Brawl start dancing and WHOA GUYS WHAT IS THIS, HIGH SCHOOL?? Blackout is always lurking in the background. I think it upsets him that ANYONE would be friends with Brawl.

Barricade and Blackout go fishing again, but Barricade falls on his ass while trying to reel one in. Amateur.

Next:  Fighting!  Flirting!  These guys are had to keep up with :C

brawl, sims. blackout, bonecrusher, barricade

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