Home early from work again due to wanting to die via sinus infection. So lucky you, this one's early!
On today's exciting episode, the boys can't decide how manly or homosexual they are. Basically they give me a headache.
Warnings: Image heavy, cartoon nudity (with in-game censoring!), and a little bit of slash.
The morning starts out as usual, except as soon as Barricade gets out of bed, Brawl heads straight for him. I wonder what he could -
Oh. Well, it's nice to know they're getting along. (I couldn't stop laughing when this happened)
BARRICADE WINS! Brawl was super pissed about it for the rest of the day, apparently unaware that he started it in the first place. And what will Barricade do to celebrate his victory?
Why, make Blackout's bed of course! Jesus, he is so fucking neurotic.
Later that night, Barricade gets his revenge by... making Brawl's bed. While he's sleeping in it. Yeah.
Aw, Brawl thinks he's a tank! How cute!
By the way, when he's not fishing, Blackout is playing in the sprinkler. It's probably the gayest thing I've ever seen.
Bonecrusher: "You weren't kidding about that rocket, Brawl!"
For some unfathomable reason, I suffered a loss of control and clicked the 'make funny faces' option. Never again.
Brawl and Bonecrusher go have dinner at the diner, then gossip like little girls outside. Brawl is probably talking about his rocket *nudgenudgewinkwink*
All of the sudden, they start flirting like crazy. Okay guys, where the F did this come from??
Oh, false alarm, they're fighting again! Business as usual then. Apparently Brawl thinks Bonecrusher is a baby, I don't know what the fuck.
Then they start flirting again! These two give me a GODDAMN HEADACHE.
Brawl, for chrissakes, make up your goddamn mind! Are you imagining Bonecrusher with tits now? Aaagghhh.
Nope, it's this crazy lady, who butts in and starts chatting with Brawl. Bonecrusher is a bit miffed, but he comes back and rudely interrupts. Jealloouussss.
Bonecrusher: "Bitch, back up off my tank."
For some reason, they keep talking between the three of them, going back and forth between liking/hating each other. Then...
I... I think they're planning an unprotected gang bang here
Oh look, now it's SUPER gay.
Next: Actual smooching! Girly football! The drama never ends.