-- Rae is hot. I <3 your name haha. -- <3 Picasso -- Frog get BETTER! -- I need to sleep, rawr! -- Thou shall not speak like this ever AGAIN! -- The rave last night was AWESOME!~ -- Lucky charms...... ^_^
dude i'm trying... 4 asprin and 2 ibuprofen help with the pain on the short term. and the dr. wouldnt give me any pain killers *bastard!!* Soo, just waiting on my mom's to gimme some monies.
u went to fantasia last night??? I was gonna.. but on friday i dropped acid and was up all night... soi was to tired. Im going to lucky charms.. we WILL see each other there... lol
Im so sorry... ok, on saturday i was taking the bus home at like 7pm and i was planning on going. Me and Brooklyn walk into the house and it was a mess... by the time we had finished we had 15 minutes to get ready and i was screwed... so instead we bought a $100 sack and smoked a lot... lol... i would have told u if i had known i wasnt going. Sorry! We will see each other at a rave.. i swear. Maybe we could hang out of a rave... i dunno. I just found out that my grandpa's funeral is the day of Lucky Charms so i cant go... :'( Are you going to the party this weekend? Manifest at the catwalk... $16 to get in... :):):) pwease!
Comments 10
lol wait this is her name...
you fucker.
<3, friend me, bitches!!!!!!!!!!
~*plurr*~ (or sumthing like that!)
or u could like call me, like u said u would.....
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