Title: Femme Fatale
mynuetRating: PG13/R, depending on individual squeamishness.
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: Some blood.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to the lovely ladies who kept reassuring me this fic was okay. I'd name them, but then it would be too easy to guess who I am.
Summary: A chance observation draws Ginny into a dangerous investigation and Draco Malfoy's orbit, and someone's life hangs in the balance.
( Femme Fatale ) ORIGINAL REQUEST:
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic: I want to see something on the darker side, where Draco or Ginny help the other one find who they are. ( it doesn't always have to be Ginny helping Draco, she might be a little screwed up too. You know invaded by a dark lord?)
The tone/mood of the fic: angst, dark, happy endings are optional
An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic: "What if it's me? What if there's something wrong with me?"
Preferred rating of the the fic you want: no less than PG-13 dark remember ;-)
Canon or AU? (isn't everything D/G AU by now?
Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?): h, no rape, and no swearing just because there’s nothing better to say. Swearing because it fits is absolutely fine, and encouraged. Oh, and please, please no suicide.