Title: Keys, Kisses and Secrets Well Kept
Author: Jaye Parker
Rating: M
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: All correct and accounted for through till Book 7. Excluding one character death and the epilogue in Book 7, obviously.
Author's Notes: This was a challenge for me as I’ve never written a mystery type story before. As it is it’s become a bit Grey’s Anatomy meets Harry Potter so apologies to my giftee if the mystery aspect wasn’t as evident as you wanted it to be I tried. Also, like many people in this exchange, I ran out of time and I realise the end is dodgy but if anyone is interested let me know because I think I’ll take my time and edit and really complete this story and post it somewhere…so I apologise to my giftee for the weak ending as well *sigh* If only my plot bunny for this wasn’t so complex…
Summary: Draco returns home from Australia where he had completed his Healer training because his father has caught an unknown disease. And when he gets asked to help Head the research team, he is shocked to see Ginny Weasley is to be his partner…
( Keys, Kisses and Secrets Well Kept ) ORIGINAL REQUEST:
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic (art)
The tone/mood of the fic: Dark (but not sexually dark)
An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic: Trains.
Preferred rating of the the fic you want: Any.
Canon or AU? Either.
Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?): Draco or Ginny dying. Rape, bondage, BDSM, violent sex.
- Thanks to Tamora Pierce for the concept of unlocking keys to a disease and also to the creators of Avatar for the use of the word pentapox :D Oh and obviously humungous thanks to JKR for creating this world I love to frolic in (and specifically some stolen text from Book 6) -