Just a reminder to any who might have overlooked it,
and news for folks who haven't heard of it before:
Tomorrow, 3 April, is Cheese Weasel Day. Give
somebody some cheese.
The email I sent to a mailing list the first time I
heard of Cheese Weasel Day -- uh, 1992, I think; that
was two email addresses ago -- is conveniently archived
here (and my thanks go to the friends who've mentioned
CWD in their journals lately and linked to that page --
I'd forgotten where it was).
It's a little-known holiday honouring the Cheese Weasel,
who brings cheese in April to folks who've been good. I
didn't want to post this reminder yesterday, lest folks think
it was an April Fool's Day joke.
I had just started a new job maybe a month earlier when
the events described in
that email occurred. I'd gotten a "these are okay
people" from my co-workers already, and this sort of
clinched it. I was only there for a year and a half
before fibromyalgia sidelined me, but they were cool
folks. (And the owner of the company was the best boss
I've ever worked for, by an impressively wide margin.)
The story behind the holiday, as I remember it a decade
later, is something like this: One particular co-worker
and her brother were enjoying a drive (I think it was
Skyline Drive, but I'm not sure), and at one of their
stops they spotted a weasel carrying a slice of cheese
(Kraft American Single, hence the traditional use of
that particular cheese for the holiday, though I don't
think using a better cheese is prohibited) in
its mouth. They decided it must be the Cheese Weasel,
delivering cheese, and that the day they'd seen it must
be Cheese Weasel Day. As far as I know, it was something
just for their family and for our office at that point,
and I do not know how long it had been going on. Well,
I told my friends on a mailing list, since it really
sounded very much like a "me" type of thing and a "this
group of friends" type of thing, and sure enough, some
folks ran with it. Now there are folks who remind me
when Cheese Weasel Day is approaching.
My co-workers did manage to get Cheese Weasel Day
mentioned on the radio at least once, if I recall
correctly, but most references to it that I see can
be traced to my having introduced the meme to the net.
There are links on a few other web pages pointing to
that copy of my email, with cryptic or not-so-cryptic
references to the holiday. And now it's time to spread
the meme even further, using LiveJournal. Pass it on.
The idea is that folks should find slices of cheese
hidden where they'll be uncovered during the day, and
the explanation should be that the Cheese Weasel must
have brought it.
I think it'd be really cool for this to spread far
enough that the ex-co-worker who originated it starts
hearing about it from unexpected directions. And it's
a really cute, fun little holiday, just bizarre enough
that it probably won't turn into a Hallmark event any
time soon, but catchy enough to make people want to play
along. I leave it to each of you to independantly
decide how mysterious to be about the origins of the
holiday. You know your audiences better than I do.
Just remember that although I'm as far as the trail
leads if you try to trace the origin on the net, I'm
not the person who made it up. It had been going on
for a while before I found out about it. It'd be cool
to have been responsible for thinking up something
with so long a lifespan, but I can't claim credit for
Have fun. Share some cheese. Spread the word.
Confuse people, then get them in on it.