Sorry for the late reply, everyone and thanks for your patience. The polls have been closed and here are the results.
1. The layout of the main and OOC community
The poll was a tie. Therefore, I'm going to update the communities to custom comments in the next few days. The reason why I'm doing this is for the following:
1. It seems some people can't even use the communities as they are
2. The fix to view comments in the new style can be applied to all accounts, while the custom comment view is only for paid accounts.
If people have preferences or code they want to use let the mods know. Otherwise, the format will be set to the one on memebells with a few updates if they can be managed (for example having the tags on the left side would be nice). The OOC comm will be updated first as to get out the kinks and not disrupt the the main community..
For people who want to see comments in the new layout please do the following:
1. Go to 2. Click on comment pages - View comment pages from my Friends page in my own style.
If the new UI gets all the kinks out, then we'll move back to using the default format.
2. Location of the community
The poll has been neck and neck between Livejournal and Dreamwidth. In the end, Dreamwidth seems to have a point or two more, but they are close. This does mean we will be opening up a community on Dreamwidth in the coming days. However, at this time the mods will not be responsible for getting new DW codes for players. We'll look in the future at getting a stockpile so that people will have invite codes available in case they want to create an account. We'll keep you all posted.
To note, the fact that LJ was a close contender is something the mods are taking into consideration. Since the DGMDR is a dressing room and we don't require apps and we can be flexible with time lines we are entertaining the idea of a sister community. The sister community would share the same rules, mods, and information across both communities. Therefore, there will be a community on DW and a community on LJ and people are free to play on both as if they were one.
Some notes:
- Rules will be the same on both communities
- Moderators will be the same on both communities at this time - but if people want to discuss this, please let us know
- Information and characters can move between the two communities as if they were the same - think of it as one place separated by two URLs
- If one site goes down, hey, there is another to play on! Added bonus.
- For LJ specifically, there are more changes coming down the line as this is the first of many for their new UI. If we ever run into this issue again where updates make it difficult to play due to changes, there is a backup to play at. This can also be said if DW decides to do mass UI changes as well.
The reason why this is being proposed is most people either chose LJ or DW, however, neither LJ or DW would retain 100% of the players. The point of this change is to allow people to play in a place they feel comfortable. If people don't feel comfortable in one, they can play in the other (as from the comments there didn't seem to be people that disliked both so no one should feel like they don't have a community to play in), or if they don't mind either service they can bounce around as they see fit.
We are aware that other D.gray-man Dressing Rooms may appear on other journal sites. That's fine as this in the nature of Dressing Rooms. However, the question for the community is do we want to have these two communities on LJ and DW act as one rather than separate sites.
So, here is your poll everyone!
Poll Should we have a sister community? Poll ends Thursday, January 5th. In the case where this is yes, the DW community will open and the LJ will be the same with business as usual. In the case where sister communities isn't the result, we'll figure out what a plan of action when the time comes.
3. Concern about deletion of information with new LJ updates
There have been concerns that LJ will be deleting comments. Do to this, I am going to import the main community once the feature gets implemented. The communities are dgmdr and dgmdr_ooc on Dreamwidth. The OOC may be imported later due to memes and other information, but the main comm is going to be the focus.
There will be a point where I'll stop making the imports which will be mostly likely in the middle of January or February or whenever the importing is complete. Even if we have sister communities, this will be the case unless people feel a strong need for us to update all the LJ posts on DW. I'm not sure how the importing update works, so it might delete older comments if journals are purged.
Thanks for your input and your patience. As always if you want to talk to a mod about questions and concerns, please do!
Tmoo and Duet