
Jan 20, 2010 15:32


Or also known as "You weren’t supposed to see that."

Here’s how it works; maybe there’s something you want your character to know, but maybe there’s no reasonable IC way for them to know it. Maybe they missed something brain breaking, but you don’t want them to miss out (Stork!Earl and Santa Sokalo come to mind).

There is a solution!

Due to the magic of the DR, your character is whisked away to a special room, maybe with a few friends, and then they get to watch a scene of something that happened, either in the DR or in someone’s canon. Then they can react!

Why would you want to do this? Well, if you don’t want them to relive some old crack, maybe you’d like them to know about something-something that could further plot for them or others! Misunderstandings could very well arise, depending on the scenes viewed, feathers could get ruffled, secrets brought to light, anything is possible!

The rules!

1. Ask permission here. This is very important! Some people may not want certain things to be public, in which case respect their wishes. Before having your character view a scene, make sure it’s okay with the muns involved!
2. Once you’ve got permission, plot! Maybe offer threads from the DR, or canon instances to others that might be of special interest to one of their characters. Go nuts, because there’s no limit.
3. If it seems like enough people are okay with this mixed up memory game, I’ll post to the IC comm. Take all your plots and make them IC by posting over there!
4. Have fun!

Example of how this would work:

cardio_swindle and brambleroad enter the room. They view these events but only enough to make brambleroad think cardio_swindle is making moves on his girlfriend.

The memory ends. Now for awkward!

If a scene does not exist as a DR thread it can still be requested and given! The mun simply needs to write up the scene on their own. For example if someone wanted a scene from normal_really’s home world they could ask for that!

You don’t have to just request scenes either, you can recommend scenes that others might be interested in!

Thoughts, comments, plotting and requests, go wild in this post!

Request form:
LJ usernames: The usernames of the characters involved.
Thread(s): A link to the thread or brief description of the canon or DR scene that is being requested.
Requested by: The usernames of the character who wants to see it.
Viewed with: The journal names of the characters who they want to see it with (can include the original participants!)

LJ usernames:
Requested by:
Viewed with:

Recommend form:
LJ usernames: Names of the characters being recommended to.
Thread(s): Links to threads or brief description of the scene being recommended.
Comments: Anything you have to say about why you think the listed people should see the scenes you suggest.

LJ usernames:

Once again, remember to get permission before going through with any viewing of scenes!

tl:dr, !events, plot plot plot

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